Suit Up

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"Scott, are you almost ready?" Hope called towards the bathroom. She put her gold, leaf shaped earrings in, checking her hair and makeup one last time.

"Yeah!" Scott answered. She heard him shut the bathroom door and gasp.

"What?" she asked, turning to him.

He gestured to her with his hands. "You're breathtaking, Hope," he said in awe.

"I know," she grinned, turning back to the mirror. She smoothed the silky fabric of her olive green gown. Her hair was tied up in a braided bun, with a few strands of loose hair framing her face. She hadn't felt this beautiful in a long time.

Scott came close to her, making a few last adjustments to his hair. He looked especially sharp in his dark blue suit. His tie was the same shade of green as Hope's dress.

"Damn, we look good," he said. "Got everything?"

"Yep. Let's go." She grabbed her clutch and handed Scott his wallet.

Hank and Janet were waiting outside their apartment in the avengers compound. Janet wore an elegant lavender dress, her white hair long and loose around her shoulders. A smile lit up her face as she saw Hope.

"You look beautiful, jelly bean," she beamed at her daugher, pulling her into a hug. "And Scott, you look so handsome." She cupped his face with one hand for a moment.

"Thanks, Jan," Scott said. "Hank, good to see you." He reached out and shook Hank's hand. Hank returned the gesture with an affirmative nod.

"Shall we?" he asked.

They walked down the hall, making their way towards the landing area. A sleek, black limousine was waiting for them. Nebula and Thor were waiting outside of it.

Nebula looked each one of them up and down. Surprisingly, she was wearing a dress, too. A long black gown with sleeves that covered the entirety of her arms.

"Hello, Hope," she said in her rough voice. She glanced at Scott. "Idiot."

Hope could tell that Hank was trying to hide a grin, but she ignored it.

"Hi, Nebula," Hope said. "Good to see you. Your dress is beautiful."

"Thank you." Hope wasn't sure, but she thought she saw the slightest smile on Nebula's lips.

They got into the limousine, sitting towards the back.

"How long of a drive?" Scott asked. "Forty-five minutes?"

"More like an hour," Rhodes said.

"Ughhh," Scott replied. He leaned his head on Hope's shoulder. "I guess that gives me more time to annoy you."

"Aw, well, you should have brought a coloring book," she joked back. She could smell his cologne. He looked down at her lap and took her hand, then closed his eyes, still on her shoulder. She wanted to kiss him, but didn't want to ruin her makeup.

Hope caught her mother smiling at the both of them. Janet loved Scott. She was so thrilled when they got married. And she loved spoiling Cassie.

They were on their way to a gala, meant to thank and celebrate the gifted or skilled heroes who aided in bringing back the victims of Thanos. It should be a nice dinner with music, maybe a bit of dancing. The paparazzi should be kept out by the advanced security, too, and so Peter could attend.

Hope talked with her parents and the others in the limousine on the way. She could sense that Scott never really fell asleep, but instead kept his eyes closed. She thought that maybe he wasn't really wanting to talk to the others today.

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