Friday I'm in Love

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Hey guys! I just put this together (in like an hour lol). It's based off of one of my favorite songs.

Thanks for your support!

What went through Scott's head during Endgame?


I don't care if Monday's blue....

Scott wasn't sure how to react when Cassie told him about Thanos.  His chest swirled with a thousand emotions: enormous loss, confusion, but relief that Cassie and her parents had survived. 

"S-so," Scott stuttered when Cassie had finished explaining.  "H-Hope is..." 

Cassie bit her lip, her eyes welling with tears.  She took her father's hands.  "I'm so sorry, Dad," she whispered. 

Scott's chin trembled as he looked at his daughter.  He couldn't believe he'd missed five years of her life.  That she had to grieve for his death. 

And Hope....he'd only just gotten her back. 

"I was only gone for a few hours," Scott said, his voice cracking.  "Oh, Cassie..." 

She threw her arms around him again, sobbing.  His body was shaking, his eyes fixed open in horror. 

Just like that...he'd lost the woman he loved.  And he never got to tell her.


Tuesday's gray...

"And Hope...." Scott began.  "She's my...well, she was my....she...she was supposed to pull me out."  He swallowed.  He still couldn't believe it.  That she was gone. 

He'd even gone to Hope's house, called her cell, went to Hank and Janet's to make sure before going to New York.  The X-Con office was empty.  When he found Hank's house, he busted in, finding everything coated in dust and the ant farms full of decomposed ant carcasses. 

He lamented over everything in one of Hank's chairs.  He kept thinking about the quantum realm, again and again.  There had to be a way to navigate time. 

He made sure to grab the last of the Pym particles before leaving.


And Wednesday, too...

Scott sat in the backseat of Steve's car, trying not to mutter out loud the profanities he was thinking.  Tony Stark had just shot their proposal down to do the time heist. 

What were they going to do, if Bruce Banner shot them down, too?

Scott felt utterly helpless.  He was an engineer, not a physicist.  He'd be ninety years old by the time he reached the level of understanding of the quantum realm that Hank Pym had!

Steve looked at Scott through the rearview mirror, sensing Scott's disposition. 

"Don't give up hope, Scott," he said. 


Scott sighed, shifting in his seat.  "You know, Cap, every time I hear that word lately, it makes me feel worse." 

"Right..." Cap nodded.  "Sorry." 

"She only just forgave me," Scott said after a pause.  "For what happened in Germany.  I finally had her back." 

Nat turned back towards him, a tender look on her face.  "We all lost, Scott.  But you might be the only thing to give any of us Hope."


Thursday I don't care about you...

Scott watched from afar as the other avengers mourned on the dock for Natasha.  Scott didn't deem it appropriate that he joined them. 

He barely knew Natasha, besides fighting her briefly in Germany.  He admired her for her leadership during the past five years.  She was supportive of Scott, sympathetic, kind. 

She deserved better. 

He swallowed back tears, kneading his hands as he heard Clint shouting at Thor.  A few seconds later, he saw Bruce take a bench and launch it across the lake.  Then they were all quiet. 

The stones were gained, although Nat was lost.  Scott knew that she did it for him, for all of them, so they could get their loved ones back.  And now, they were only hours away from it happening.  But the thought of getting Hope back now felt like ash in Scott's mouth, because it had already cost them so much.


It's Friday I'm in love.

Scott watched the sparrows fluttering in the tree outside the compound.  A disbelieving smile touched his lips.  His chest filled with hope. 


"Guys," he breathed.  "I think it worked." 

Seconds later, his suit activated its self-defense mode as a bright light almost blinded him, and an explosion shattered the window, blowing him backwards.


"Scott.  How long you need to get that thing working?" Tony asked. 

Scott peered at the X-Con van, amazed that it had even survived the explosion. 

"Maybe....ten minutes?" Scott said. 

"Get it started," Steve said.  "We'll get the stones to you."

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and it felt like a current of electricity raced through his body.

"We're on it, Cap," Hope said. 

He turned his head to her, a grin spreading across his lips.  How he wanted to tell her everything.  But as always, she was focused, clear-headed.  She met Scott's eyes, nodding to him with a self-assured smile.  Their helmets snapped over their faces in unison.  She took his hand as they shrank, and off they went. 


Scott yelped in panic as one of the aliens in front of him began to turn to ash.  He returned to full size, watching as Thanos' army began to halt as they disintegrated, one by one.  His lips were parted as he caught his breath. 

They won. 


He turned his head, seeing Hope buzzing through the dust towards him.  Before he knew it, she had grown to full size and had wrapped her legs around his waist, laughing and crying in relief.

Scott grinned, spinning her in his arms.  His helmet flipped up, and hers did, too.  His body sighed as she took his face in her hands. 

"Hey," he whispered. 

She tilted his head back, kissing him passionately.  He cradled her close to him, almost crying with happiness.  She laid her head into his shoulder, stroking his hair as she put her arms around his neck. 

"Hope," Scott swallowed, pulling away just enough to meet her eyes.  He was suddenly sweating with anxiety.  "I love you.  A-and I know it might be too soon, and this isn't the most romantic setting, but I do.  I...I love you." 

Her eyes lit up with tears of happiness and relief.  "I love you, too, Scott," she whispered. 

He sighed, letting go of the stress as he reached for her lips again.  He could've never imagined that he could feel this grateful, this happy. 

The moment was brief as they received the news of Tony's death.  But when they began to mourn, they did it together.

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