chapter 3 whitness

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   Alya sighed. I have to babysit again. Now me and marinette can't have a sleepover... her thoughts trailed off. Alya's amber eyes softened as she thought of the shy, clumsy bluenette. She was really pretty and cute, but her crush, Adrien still hadn't realized what an amazing girl she was yet. Alya shook her head. Oh he will! She thought with determination. I will make sure of it! Alya was a big Adrienette shipper, which meant she was going to do everything in her powers to make them a couple! Yes! It will happen! It's only a matter of time!

After a couple of hours watching her sisters, Alya glanced at the clock. Turning back to her little sisters she blinked. "Okay, small fries." she cooed. "Time for bed." her sisters stared at her with, round, pleading amber eyes. "Aw! Why do we have to?" the little one with the pink bow on her dark brown braided hair wined. "Yah!" the girl's twin with a blue bow in her braided hair chimed in.

"we want to stay up like you!" they replied in unison. "pleeease?" they begged. Alya stroked her Amber tipped, brown twisted hair with a hand, smirking in amusement. Alya shook her head, scooping the two little ones up in her arms. "Sorry, no can do." her words awoke wines from the sisters. "But, i got a scoop for you!" she added brightly. "Tomorrow, you can have a play day with monon!" that changed their mood immediately. "yay!" they shouted punching the air in their excitement. Alya smiled fondly, and slung her sisters over her shoulders as if they were straps to a backpack. "But, that means you have to get your sleep." she reminded them. Alya's little sisters groaned but nodded reluctantly. "Yes big sis... fine..."

Alya smiled with satisfaction, setting them on their beds. "Good, now goodnight small fries."

Her sisters giggled, getting under the sheets. "Goodnight Alya!" and with that, they both began to pretend to snore loudly, eyes shut. Alya snorted, rolling her amber eyes. She shut the door, walking out of their room and turning out the lights. Alya sighed, dark skinned legs falling on the couch. Feew! They are finally in bed! Now what? With the kids to bed Alya really had no idea of what to do! She rarely had free time without marinette around! But she knew how tired marinette was all the time, so she didn't text her and bother her. Alya glanced at the outside door to the balcony. Alya's eyes lit up. That's it! Alya made the decision to go out and watch for Ladybug and chat noir. They were the heroes, the protectors of Paris. Alya wanted to get some great pics. She ran a blog that was solely about all the secrets and information of the superhero Ladybug, she called it the Ladyblog. Alya's determination on finding out information of their identities for her blog since the very beginning and she had been focused on finding clues. Making her way onto her balcony, Alya leaned against it, searching her phone. Alya looked at her class's pictures. She sorted each classmate by hair color and eye color. So the ones in our class with blue eyes are.... She frowned. The only ones in her class with blue eyes were, Rose, Marinette and Chloe! Ew! No way! Alya immediately crossed out Chloe. The thought of Alya's favorite superhero who she worshipped being that bratty snob made her shiver. There was absolutely no way Chloe could be ladybug! With Chloe crossed out, Alya looked to the next girl on her list. "Rose?" nope, she is way too shy and scared, not to be rude, but she is definitely not Ladybug and she doesn't have enough hair to be ladybug either! With Chloe and Rose crossed out, there was only one girl left. Alya saw who it was left and gasped. "M-marinette?!" marinette had bluebell eyes, just like ladybug! But most importantly, she noticed a huge give away. "Marinette's hair!" she had two buns of blue hair tied by red ribbons, just like Ladybug's. Quickly, Alya clicked on a picture of paris's beloved hero and compared it to the photo of Marinette. Alya's mouth dropped in complete shock. Marinette was ladybug? Her shy, awkward, creative bff was Paris's most trusted, brave leader? Alya blinked. Her mind could barely fathom this! How on earth had she not realized this before? The truth was unbelievable but it made sense... marinette was never where she was supposed to be. She had so many tardies that it was a wonder that the bluenette was even passing her classes! Not to mention, she had Never seen marinette and ladybug at the same time... Alya's heart stopped as she stared at the pictures of ladybug next to marinette and their faces were shockingly familiar.

"Wow...marinette is-" suddenly, a green flash of light in the distance interrupted her. Alya's eyes widened, head whipped around towards the sudden glow. Alya's mouth dropped when she realized it was chat noir, transforming! For one moment, she caught a glimpse of piercing, green eyes, sun gold hair and a white jacket, before the boy, whoever he was, was disguised once more as his alter ego. Alya was too far away to see exactly who it is, but she recognized that hair anywhere. Adrien? Alya almost screamed, but kept her thoughts inside her head. "Adrien a-agreste?!" her heart raced. "Adrien? Your chat noir?" wow.... This was not what she had expected at all! Her face suddenly lit up when realization hit her. "So marinette is my best friend and she's also ladybug, marinette has a crush on adrien agreste, who is chat noir. And chat noir loves ladybug.... Ok make it simple... Adrien and marinette are in love with each other and they don't realize it! Ladybug loves chat noir when he's in his civilian form and chat noir loves ladybug... so my favorite ships, Ladynoir and Adrienette are the same thing?" what!? This was weird! Alya breathed. Suddenly, she felt warm breath over her head and looked up, to see two emerald green eyes flashing. "Chat noir?" Alya took a step back. "Wh-why are you here?" she demanded, trying not to feel attracted to the handsome tom cat suit hero. Nope! I can't! He's marinette's true love! Not mine! Remember nino! Remember Nino! Remember nino!

Gulping, Alya blinked. "H-hi chat noir." Chat noir ignored her. "Is it true that you know who ladybug is?" his gaze was pleading, desperate, but there was love in his voice. Alya took a deep breath. "You want to know information?" chat noir nodded. "You got to give me some in return." chat noir looked suddenly nervous. "I could-" Alya interrupted, "what? You gonna give me ladybug's phone number?" she teased. Chat noir's green chat eyes widened. "Rena rouge?"

She smirked. "Long time no see, Adrien." chat noir stumbled back in shock. "What did you say?!" 

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