Cherryl and Marlou

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"Joyce, I hope you're okay. I planned this to ask why are you dissapointed with us earlier. I will ask you, are you mad with me?"

My eyes started to cry and planned to suffer. I answered, "Marlou..."

He hold my hand. "Joyce..."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him.

"Honestly, I'm not mad at you." he answered and let my head lies into his shoulders. "Shhhh, don't let my madness goes at you."

"Thanks, but even though you didn't say you're not mad at me, but I really felt you are depressed at me." I said and hugged him. "I'm sorry, if ever I did a mistake to you."

"Joyce, I understand that I am mad at you." He pull himself away from hug and nod down. "But for me, that's not true. I'll never be getting mad at you whatever happens. Don't believe what have others said, just believe in your family and friends, and me." he laughs

"Thanks, Marlou. You're the best." I said.

"Hmmm, the best? You're the best among the rest." he says.

"What? Hehehe. Anyways, that's alright. So, can we take a picture of us?" I asked.

"Sure, sweetheart." he answered and brought out his cell phone and taken pictures. "Best day ever."

"Me either, the best day ever after!"

We laughed. Anyway, what shall we do next? Does our sweetness as friends will fade away or our friendship will remain?

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