Chapter 22- Dating

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Hello Friends, It's all a happy time. We know how romance books go so let's enjoy the happiness while it lasts....And you remember that surprise? Well now not all surprise are good but we are getting to it right now.

Williams' POV

Janaury 16, 2019 9:15

It was a sunny morning. We all sat at the dining table for breakfast.

"So I have some updates," my father spoke.

I inhaled the enticing smell of the callaoo, salt mackerel and fry dumplings.

"Go head my love," mom said.

I exchanged glances with Azulea. Since she understood how to use phone we were texting.

I've been thinking, could we go on a date? 9:20 to @Azulea

I was wondering if you would never ask. Sure! Where? 9:21 to

I smiled at her from across the table giving her a smirk. Her hair was so graciously long. Her eyes were so lusty green. I felt sexual arose when she took her fork sticking a piece of fry dumpling into her mouth while slowly chewing. My eyes lowered to the smooth of her neck which I so badly wanted to kiss.

"You understand? Son!" Dad said taking me out of thoughts.

"Yes of course," I smiled.

That my love is a surprise that you will have wait to find out 9:26 to @Azulea

Well can I aleast know when? 9:26 to @me

Today actually 9:27 to @Azulea

Which brings us here friends....

I glared through the window at the different hotels and resorts in the beautiful Negril. There were plenty tourist on the road and even local citizens.

As we arrived at the round about in Negril, I turn stealing side glances at Azulea. She was so beautiful and I was so happy to be in love with her.

Dad was driving us to West End because in Jamaica you're not allowed to drive under 18.

After about 20 minutes of driving through Negril we arrived at the West End sign.

"Well you have fun," dad said with a smile.

"Yes we will," I responded exiting the car quickly and opening the door for Azulea.

"Oh shoot!" Dad exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Azulea asked.

"I need a box juice in that supermarket over there," he said," Would you both mind getting it for me?"

"Sure we will get it for you,"Azulea said with a smile.

We walked to the supermarket named Allen's Supermarket Of Quality.

As I searched an aisle, Azuela stood at the other end. Her red dress sparkled and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Her hair blew from ear to ear, as she giggled at a silly logo on a chocolate. Her dress was tightly stitched which exposed her sexy curves.

As she walked to me, or modelled towards me, I was so anxious. I just couldn't wait no more.

I slowly held her right hand firmly taking her by surprise. She was so close to me that I could feel her hair against my face. I stared into her green eyes with a smile.

"I want to kiss you so badly ," I whispered into her ear.

"Want is something which can be subtle," she said with a playful smile.

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