Chapter 31- Happy Ever After?

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Well hello Peps! If you are wondering why there is a question asked as the title of this chapter then I suppose the answer is all too clear. If this was a fairy tale then who would I be to dare question the happy ever after....

Unfortunately this is like a reality show but complied in a book of Romance and no one can ever tell how a romance novel may end especially when it's written by me. Have faith Peps! Because you will need it for this chapter and the next which follows....

Azulea's POV

February 22,2024 19:55

The ambulance pulled up into the hospital parking lot. The medicatcs and I jumped out of the back as they strap up my husband on a stretch.

There was a crowd of people in the parking lot as the JDF tried to get a path for us to walk. I held the tears until I was in the hospital away from all the media and flashing cameras.

"My husband," I screamed falling on my knees in my wedding dress. I didn't care about the floor, I was just so broken. I laid there on the ground crying until I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Azulea!" Adella cried," Get up off the floor. Be strong and have faith!"

"How can I?" I said in between sobs as the tears trailed down my cheeks. "We had just gotten married and he died. I love him so much. I can't live without him."

"We are being strong," Willy said a straight face on,"Come let's go see him for the last time."

I trailed behind them holding on to my dress in grief. My hair was as fuzzy as my inside. I was a mess. My head shock in denial. We trailed down the hall of the hospital passing various patients and rooms until we arrived at one of the emergency room.

I entered the room feeling a weird sensation of cold shivers over my body. He laid under the sheet hidden. Adella cried silently while Willy stared in grief.

With each step I took, I felt my life being taken away. When I lifted the sheet off his face that's when I lost my little composure.

"Noooo!" I screamed. I held on to his cold lifeless face,"You can't leave me." I sobbed loudly sinking my head into his neck. "We just got married. Remember our song baby I love you. You are my life."

"Azulea!" Adella rested her hand on my shoulder, "He's gone. He's dead. Your marriage is over before it even began."

As Azulea covered her husband's face a nurse entered.

"Hello," she said entering the room a sheet of paper in her right hand and her left hand rested upon her short hair dyed black. "I am really sorry PM for your loss. The parlor however will be here at midnight to get his body. I need your signature and a piece of paper."

"What's your name?" Willy asked suspicious.

"My name is Gabriella," she responded handing me the pen from her white uniform blouse pocket.

"Are we allowed to see him through out the waiting period?" Azulea questioned.

"Of course," Gabriella replied with a firm smile before excusing herself from the room.

"Azulea," Adella said softly with her breath rugged. "Come let's go change and return."

With one more peek, I left the hospital to the anxious media awaiting me.

And Friends It's like we are at a funeral oh brother well let's cross over to the antagonist....shall we?

External Narrating...

"Our top news story tonight. PM future destroyed to devastating accident. Today started as a happy occasion for newly wed Azulea Little but turned sour when her husband died from an accident. However it's yet to confirm this but sources say this was all planned by Azuleo her evil twin sister."

Azuleo sat before her television two champagne glass before her and a bottle of champagne. As she observed her sister live on television walking from the hospital crying, Azuleo felt twisted.

She took a shot of vodka, as she spotted a figure beside her on the couch. Durga was there except it wasn't her only a guilty alto ego of Azuleo.

"Stupid!" It said to her uttering a bitter laugh," All this for your Bella huh? She showed you love Azuleo and you followed Bella and my realistic self and killed her husband."

Azuleo bowed her head in shame in the thickness of the darkness. The figure crackled harshly.

"Go away!" Azuleo screamed throwing a glass at the figure but it went straight through it and strike the television.

"I can't leave Azuleo," the voice whispered bitterly into Azuleo's ear. "You are guilty and I'm always there once you're."

"Can't you get the hell away please just go!!!!" Azuleo screamed in frustration covering her ears as she was drunk already 8 shots of vodka taken.

"I will go because you know already what you must do," the figure said rising to it's feet in the darkness. "If however you do not do what you should then I will be back for you Azuleo. I will come for you."

As the figure vanished the last sentence kept playing over and over in Azuleo's mind.

She got up from the dark room and carefully walked to the bedroom. Her head was thudding as she changed her dress to a black hoodie leaving in a taxi.

I hope you are ready Peps! If there is one thing I know about life it's filled with surprises and you are about get one of them now....

Azuleo entered the emergency room. Azulea was the only one inside with her face looking through the window.

"I'm sorry," Azuleo said her voice trembling as she stuttered.

"Sorry for what!" she turned around snapping at Azuleo. "Ruining my marriage, My life and my future. For all the good I have done in this world, just a little evil took it all away."

"I know now what I did was wrong," Azuleo said her head held low in shame and face looking away.

At this moment 3 things happened:
(1) Gabriella entered the room (except she wasn't really named Gabriella).
(2) Azuleo went into way too deep distracting thoughts
(3) Azulea pulled forth a gun holding the trigger....All 3 are all too important for the future which we will get to in the next chapter but first...

Azuleo raised her eyes and gasped in shock. She was just in time to see a nurse, Gabriella pull off a plastic face mask and a wig revealing long blue hair to one side and a different face. She was in a black suit as she had taken off the nurse clothes.

Azulea was pointing something so deadly that it made Azuleo's breath stop as the criminal lean against the window. Gabriella aka BL was holding the same deadly thing....

Which Peps! Would change everything...See you soon!

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