Chapter 14- Preparations and Reunions

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Hi Peps! Welcome back...for this chapter we will start off with a flashback....(When Azulea was 12 years old....


4 years ago...
"Azulea don't forget your sandwich," Diana reminded her. Lately she had been in such a hurry to meet her first love Adam. 

It was actually the second time she was seeing him. From the first time she felt such a connection.

"Hi Adam," she greeted him. He was in line with the other young merman ready for the annual Queen march which took place on Christmas.

"Oh hey Azulea," he responded with a smile. His smile was so beautiful that Azulea's heart skipped 20 beats in that one moment. She starred at his lips as he talk; which distracted her from hearing a word he said.

"Did you get it?" He asked when he was finish.

"Oh yeah," Azulea responded coming out of thoughts.

After the day, they met many times after upon till Azulea had her first kiss.

It was a cool day, the last day of January. "Where are we going?" Azulea questioned in curiosity swimming along side the love of her life.

"Somewhere special," he responded. She was also blindfolded which made her even more curious. He held her hand for support.

"Are we there yet?" Azulea asked after a few minutes.

"Yes we are," he said removing her blind fold. His hand lightly brushed against her neck back which caused a tingle.

As she opened her eyes, she gasped. She was in the centre of a garden with white flowers all around her. It was just as she had dreamt her first kiss would be. Yet the situation made her anxious because she wasn't sure if she would score big on that today.

"What do you think Azulea?"

"It's beautiful."

They sat facing each other under an arc.

"What do you imagine could happen here that could be a dream come through?"

So lost in thoughts she said the one thing that was always on her mind. "My first kiss."

The wind drifted her hair as it bubbled the chilly water around them. She blushed after a moment realizing what she had said.

"I brought you a gift," he said. He then handed her an small anchor which could fit in the palm of her hand. On each side was A and on the other A. It was made of iron and was of a sparkle black colour.

"I'm dangerously in love with you Azulea. I never want to leave you," he confessed coming closer with not even a centimetre of separation.

"I am in love with you too Adam."

At that moment, their eyes locked. Her heart was beating fast. Her eyes then fell to his lips.

"I knew you were looking at my lips at the march," Adam smirked. On for the first time despite her distraction she didn't miss a word of what he said.

He wrapped his hand around her slim sexy body and she did the same. Their lips connected within seconds after. Their kisses were passionate and was a bold memory to the heart. They were so in love and nothing could tear them apart.
*flashback over

Which brings us here to the present. I wonder if she still has a thing for him because why would they be getting married then? Yet you can't always listen to me I'm the just the narrator...let's get back to the story ....

Azulea's POV

December 15, 2018 10:30

"How could you?" I said in a loud tone but soft enough for only both of us to hear.

"I didn't do it," he said looking dead serious in her face.

Which is true but then who did it?

"But if you didn't," she said drifting into thoughts,"Then someone was eavesdropping on our conversation. I'm so stupid."

"My love," he insisted,"You're far from stupid. You were just concern. It's always good to be concern because you never will know when you will build relationships."

Or break them 😂

"Okay let's get to the wedding plans," Azulea said with a smile.

"Ok I think we can have it here," he said pointing to a location on the waterproof map of the entire village. "And seafood dishes?"

"Always the best," Azulea said.

Let's leave these love birds (if they are) to complete their preparations. Have you ever seen something bad at the moment but beneficial tomorrow like a bottle of spoil milk. It's bad for you at the moment but tomorrow you could as well feed it to your cat. Which brings us to our next situation.

Queen Adella's POV

Same Day 22:00

The sea was dark and gloomy tonight as I swam to the arranged meeting spot. My heart was racing.

"Williams?" I called at the coral reef.

"About time mother," he responded a bit fierce.

"Listen I know how upset you're but a least give me a chance."

"It has been 16 years. You know how much I missed you and to know how destiny brought us together and you still didn't tell me."

"I'm sorry Williams," I said a little frustrated,"I almost drowned that night," I paused at the moment, flashes of the night attacking my mind. I took 3 deep breaths trying to relax myself. "I was cold and the council gave me a new life."

"So you're not going back because I am."

"I am still in love with your father and we are going back."

"Really?" he said a small smile on my face.

"Yes but wait until January."

"How will we know when it's January?," he inquired.

"Your dad always tell me the date. Trust me," I said as we utter a laughter of enticement. "And listen Williams if you ever need anything from the land or any help just call me."

And let it be reminded that he will but first the next problem has to land upon us.

Williams' POV

Same Day 22:48
After leaving the coral reef, I met up on Diana.

"Hey have you seen Azuleo since recently?" I asked her.

"Oh she said she was leaving for a few days," she replied.

"So sudden?"

Am I the only who is suspicious?

"Yeah," she replied, "So are you ditching me too?"

So deep in conversation I didn't notice where we had reach and as I was about to respond. I heard a loud thud.

And friends that's when he say it. The one thing or person that would change everything. Remember that help I was just telling you about? You better... And if you want to know what he say or who...join me in the next chapter...Bye Peps!

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