05. Soul Snatched

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We left the car parked further away from our destination to avoid drawing too much attention.

The knife I had in the sleeve pocket of my bodysuit pressed against my thigh and I let the gun in my hand dangle to my side.

This situation could get messy, and messy was what I lived for. The minute I was refused what I came for, I would deliver death as cold as the heart that lied beneath my chest.

As we walked down the empty road a few fallen leaves blew across the pavement, creating a muted scraping sound as they crept along the road. The darkness consumed everything around, the only light came from the soft glow of the street lamps we passed every now and then. The sounds of our shoes against the pavement mixed in with the wind as we sulked along under the black sky.

"Is that it?" Lynn asked, pointing to a small house that sat at the end of the road, engulfed in the darkness.

Lynn was giddy inside, excitement practically seeping through her pores. Andrea was a complete contradiction, caution placed every single step she took.

"Yup, and now that I see it in person I think I'll sit this one out." Andrea began to turn around.

I grabbed the hood of her jacket and pulled her back. "Come on, we're almost there."

"Are you crazy?!" Andrea whisper yelled. "That looks like some shit straight out of the conjuring! I'm not going in there!"

"You're being over dramatic, there won't be evil spirits trying to kill you."

"That's what white people say, right before they get soul snatched by a demon, Zie. Even if a ghost doesn't kill me, some fucking blueberry ninja will!" Andrea huffed. She stuffed her clammy hands inside her pockets. "I hate this."

"Not if we kill them first." I ducked into the shadows as we came closer to the house, Andrea and Lynn close behind. "I'm missing two thousand dollars, someone owes me."

Approaching the worn down house, it looked like it hadn't been used in decades. The windows, for the most part, were boarded up and caked in dust and grime. Gravity pulled on the roof, bringing it downwards. Vines climbed up the house from every angle, spreading and multiplying in every direction as if warning us off.

There is no way someone lives here.

"I really don't like this. I don't want to go in there without a ghostbusters team by my side." Andrea whispered to no one in particular.

A chill shot down my spine as I looked at the house again. A pleasurable feeling filled my chest and a wicked smile broke through my features. "This is going to be fun."

"I agree." Lynn pulled a bunch of small square packages out of her pocket and conjured up her own devious smile.

"What is that? I asked eyeing the small packets. "Are those condoms?"

"What? No, they're stick on bombs." She looked at me with a disgusted face.

Andrea snatched the packets from Lynn and stuffed them into her pocket.


"You're not going to blow up the house! You're both lunatics, we're all gonna die," Andrea sighed in frustration.

I rolled my eyes at her. Always tentative in these situations, but still managed to squeeze in her own jokes to cope with her fear.

I slowly crept up to the shabby looking porch, ushering them to follow. The wooden boards screamed in protest as I advanced up the steps. I gripped my gun tighter in my hand as I grasped the door knob and twisted it.

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