Chapter 1

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WARNING- the first chapter is really boring, but the rest of the story will be far better than this so please give it a chance (:


"Good boy, now sit" I sat on the cold tile floor as I attempted to train my dog. I was growing more and more impatient by the minute.

"No, don't roll over, sit!" I have been at it for the last hour and am getting no-where.

"Jasper! Sit does not mean lick my face!" I groaned and pushed the obese Gorden Setter off my lap this caused him to run off and jumped onto the couch, looking tired, he closed his eyes and that was it, he was asleep. Back to reality, I have a stack of homework waiting to be completed. Thank god it's holidays in 2 weeks and I'm going to Bali with my family! I have never been there before but i have heard it's amazing. I have been doing some research on where we are staying, it seems really nice.

"Ashley, did you eat the rest of the chocolate?" my brother exited his room and made his way out onto the balcony, probably the first contact with light and/or fresh air he has had since he got back from school, 2 hours ago.

"Maybe...?" I stated, obviously guilty. I mean come on, it's not my fault, they were calling my name.

"What the hell?! It was mine!" said the pig known as my brother.

"Josh, if mum bought it, technically it is hers."

"What ever" he slogged down and sauntered back into his room, shutting the door behind him. I made my way into my room, my mum was due home from work soon. I sat down at my desk and opened my book to begin my long night of home work.

'Math Fun!' I thought sarcastically. At least it's easy I mean, who doesn't know what 3x (9x-3xy+3h) is? Seriously, they treat us like year pre-schoolers. By the way, I'm in middle

school and am in grade 9, my brother on the other hand is grade 11.

In my point of view there is nothing worse than school. That's why I'm looking forward to my trip to Bali! Although, I'm not to good with planes and from Perth (Western Australia) to Bali is a 6 hour flight! Mind you, I love plane food, I don't know why though.

I finished my math home work and got onto my science. I have to write a scientific report on a crop growing experiment That we did at school. YAY! Not.


After finishing all my home work (2 hours worth) and eating dinner, chicken stir fry. I am now in bed watching tv. Not much on at the moment, no point starting a movie though seeming as I have to go to bed soon anyway.

"Goodnight Ashley!" mum called from down the stairs.

I ignored her and aimed my focus on the tv.

"Goodnight Josh!" She echoed

"Shhhhh I'm trying to talk to Reece!" He yelled in response. My brother was ALWAYS on the Internet. I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

Since dad died when I was 6 (9 years ago) he has been tying to act as 'The Man of The House'. Mum doesn't argue with us much, she is just glad we are managing. She knows I get bullied at school, mainly because the girls think that I'm fat and ugly and I have no life so I just study for exams, i gave up on the few friends i had. I have never been in the 'popular' group, probably because I have never had a boyfriend. My brother on the other-hand, is basically the leader of the school, even though he is only year 11. He is a good brother, he sticks up for me... Most of the time, but I don't tell anyone what people do to me, there's no point. I mean, it's not like they can actually do anything. I can't wait till I graduate and then they'll see, I'll be the millionaire and they will be the ones pregnant at the age of 15, but that's life.

I looked down at my watch, 11.27. I never really go to bed on time. Anyway, I haven't even had a shower yet!


I woke up from the sound of a car alarm ringing in my ears. My back hurt and my face was wet, i opened my eyes to see I was lying on the couch in my room. Funny, I don't remembering falling asleep last night. My wet hair had dried but causing the pillow to be soaked. Oh well. I checked my clock; 9.17am. I better get ready for school now... WAIT WHAT?!?! it's 9.17 and I'm not at school! It's started 30 minutes ago, why didn't my mum wake me up? I frantically jumped into the shower regretting it as the cold water pierced my skin. After washing my face, body and hair I got out and grabbed my pastel pink skinny jeans and a flowing white half-lace shirt and chucked it on. Not what I would usually wear to school but I actually looked quite nice. I decided I would wear some makeup today, I applied some concealer, eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss, grabbed my school bag and ran for the door almost forgetting my keys, phone and purse. I exited and grabbed my brothers skate board. I have had practice but I'm not very good at it but it is faster than walking so I jumped on and rode down the hill heading for the train station. Dam! I new I forgot to brush my teeth. Ew. I ran into the shops and got some breath mints and gum.


I sat quietly listening to music on my iPhone, skateboard in my hand and waited until we reached the stop outside my school. I got off the train and ran inside, forgetting that my drip-dry dark blonde hair was left untouched this morning. The stares I got as I ran down the hall an pushed on the door to my English class. If looks could kill, i would be dead many times over.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I... Um... I Had to visit my cousin in the hospital" I made up an excuse, Mr. Walton believed me though, which was lucky.

"Take a seat Miss. Damsler, next to Nick will do" Nick? No no no no no no! NO! he is a life ruined I'm going to have a hard time for the rest of the year now.

"Ashley, take your seat!" Mr Walton began with and angry tone "or will I have to send you to the head mistress?" I quickly took my seat and glanced over at Nick. He was staring at me and when he looked at my face, he winked and turned back to the front of the class, madly scribbling on ...a piece of paper. I turned and placed all my focus on the SmartBoard at the front.

"Now class, take out your books and turn to chapter 74" I went to get my books but when I bent down something hit my face and from what I could feel was now in my hair. I took it out and was stunned to see what was written on it.

OH. MY. GOD! who does he think he is, that perve.

I got up and left the room as soon as he recess bell rang. I looked at the note one more time, taking it all in before I threw it in the bin. The words still running through my head.

Hey babe, ur lookin hot! Come 2 my place @ 5 and you'll get something u hv been waitin 4 ;)

Ew. I turned to see him following in my tracks. Never ever am I going to wear anything like this again! I was about to turn around and tell him to bugger off when the school's 'divas' came around the corner. Pushing every one to the sides and whipping their hair back and forth. They stopped in front of me, as usual, but this time they stared in shock and said nothing. Abnormal, usually they tease me on my father, how I am such a geek or how I used to have bulimia. I turned and headed for the gate, I'm about to ditch school. What am i thinking?? Too late; I jumped on the skate board and rode down the ramp and out the gate, I could feel every ones eyes burning into the back of me as I left the school. What was I meant to do? It was only 11.03am and I have the whole day ahead of me. I headed in the direction of my house whilst taking a few detours to ensure my mum wouldn't see me. She didn't work around here but sometimes she came to go to the bank or run some errands. Thinking I was safe I jumped off the skateboard and ran down the side gate and round the back. Jasper was madly barking at me as if I was a stranger I bent down and gave him a quick cuddle before retreating to the door and fetching my keys from my bag. I unlocked the door and pulled out my phone, no new messages. I laid down on the couch and flicked on the tv, turned to the music channel and relaxed.

I was rudely awoken by the sound of my door bell ringing, I reluctantly got up and headed for the door, taking a peak at the oven clock as I walked past. Who would be at m door at 1.42pm on a Tuesday?

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