Chapter 5

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•*Stephanie's POV*•

I looked down at the caller ID only to see that it was my favorite person in the whole entire world! Note the sarcasm in my thinking.. I looked down one last time to check I wasn't having a nightmare, I quickly answered the call, possibly making the biggest mistake.

"What do you want, Chloe?" Ugh the brat has been hot on my heels since I was in high school. Of course she chooses now to re enter and ruin my life for the 2nd time.

"Lovely to hear from you to! Where have you been? We haven't spoken in AGES!!" her sweet high pitched voice made me cringe.

"Well, Chloe. If you didn't realize, when you sleep with your best friends boyfriend, it tends to break a friendship. Not to mention single handedly going out of your way to completely and utterly ruin my life, good bye" I pressed the end call button before I had to listen to her foolish comeback and attempted apology. Time to get yet another new sim card. How does she keep finding my number?! I have changed it 18 times in the last 2 years! She really is extremely frustrating. I never did anything to her yet she still sends me death threats, mean comments and physically hurts me. She, is one of the few people and things I can remember clearly -Unfortunately. I went back to the situation at hand when Aubery, one of the few nice nurses at the hospital, walked into my ward to do the 'daily check up'.

"Hey Vegemite, looks like you can leave.. As of 2 minutes ago" she had a slight look of sadness, as usual.

"But, don't feel like you have to get out of here asap, you can stay as long as you want, permitting the 2 week discharge rule" she added. Obviously not wanting me to leave just yet.

"Sorry, but I'm sure I should get home and have a shower, has there been any news on Josh?" I slid out of my bed and headed for a pile of clothes that Ashley bought me.

"Well, actually..." Aubery trailed off and blocked the exit. "We have... Some... Um... News.." I could tell what she was going to say, my eyes welling up with tears and a lump in my throat. My attempt at hiding my sadness was obviously terrible because she sat me down and tried to calm me. "I'm sorry dear, there was nothing we could do..." she stop speaking and we sat in silence for a long period of time. In the last month, my life has changed awfully. How am I meant to get over this? It is all starting to really sink in now, I never really realized my family would be gone. Now it's just my sister and I, left alone in our house, at least I'm over 18 so we don't have to go into foster care...


-2 months later-

•*Stephanie's POV*•

"SOLD! To the lady in the blue" the auctioneer smacked the rolled up magazine into his hand. I can't believe my sister and I officially own a modern, 27th floor apartment, and best of all... It's in my favorite part of the world! England! That's right, we decided we would leave our past behind and move out of the country, a lot has happened in the last 2 months actually. Ash has been in touch with the boys continuously and little did they know, we now live just 4 blocks away from their apartments. I haven't really spoken to them much, to be precise I haven't spoken to them at all, it's better this way. My sister and I have sort of switched, she is totally in to One Direction and loves there songs where as... I have completely changed. I am more of a goth now... I prefer heavy metal or depressing songs.

We walked into the elevator and clicked the button to our new $183'000 flat. Let's just say... our parents had been saving for a very, very long time. The price of this flat is nothing compared to how much was left for us. I even bought a whole new wardrobe but, now we agreed to do what's best and save it Incase we need it for something important. I am now the legal guardian of my sister and she will be enrolling in the public high school for this suburb as soon as possible.I have been accepted to work at a beautician where I will hopefully be working very closely one of London's best make up artists. I never excepted to be a make up artist when I was younger, I just knew that art was my talent and make up was my passion. Cheesy, I know but it's true. I can't say I'm 'living the dream' but I'm pretty happy, considering the circumstances.

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