Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Thats the one" i stated, looking straight towards Paige who was standing on the change rooms at Gucci.

"I agree" added kelsey

"Yep, you haaaave to get it! If you don't i will actually kill you" ashley laughed.

It was amazing. It was a plain off white tight satin dress then at the neckline, it had a 3-4cm diamond lacing. It looked so good on Paige with her chestnut hair sitting just bellow her shoulders. She looked stunning and this was just in the change rooms; before make up shoes and everything else. The fact that the dress was $1'750 didnt fase me at all. I was buying this dress for her and little did she know i would be buying her shoes, and a matching clutch too.


As she walked out of the the bedroom and down towards the living room where Niall was waiting for her. Paige looked gorgeous. She had already had her hair and make up done by Amanda and Grace and she was ready for a night out with her new boyfriend. Unlike the others, i knew what Niall had planned for her because Louis accidentally told me when he came around to check up on Kelsey earlier.

All i can think is how lucky she is. Mind you. This whole day has been really busy and i haven't really had time to mope around about Zayn, luckily. That was until he walked through our front door. Who the hell invited him?!?!!?? It became obvious that the boys had been giving Zayn the cold shoulder as well, and after all, he did deserve it. Who does he think he is? I mean just because he is a World Famous Singer doesn't give him the right to go round behind people backs and. Heat on filthy skank whores who don't know what the word 'fashion ' means and need to get their hand off other peoples Business! I don't even know her but if i did i swear to god i would break the law and buy a gun, go over to her house and shoot her right where her heart should be and- than,full my thoughts were interrupted before i contemplated on actually doing any of those things.

"Why are you here?" Asked a very pissed off Louis. Zayn hadn't actually done anything to the boys but as i was one of their closest friends, they stood up for me in this situation and they knew what Zayn had done was completely unacceptable in every way possible. But, i guess none of us had heard him out yet. Oh god, what if he was blackmailed into cheating on me? What if that slut whore was threatening to kill someone? Or even worse, start a terrorist attack on some poor country they cant defend themselves. Maybe she has her own army fully equipped with nuclear weapons ready to fire! No, thats almost impossible. However i am right, no one that i am aware of has heard Zayn's point of view. He could have had a perfectly good reason, we just didn't know about it.

Zayns POV

Wow, this was awkward. I knew this wasn't a good idea in the first place and why did i have to choose when the boys and all the girls are here, they will just try and persuade Steph that I'm a jerk and that she shouldn't listen to me. Well I'm not saying that I'm not a jerk, because i am one. I really like Steph and then i had to go and ruin it by cheating on her with some creep stalker!?! I hate myself for this but as much as i don't want to say this but its not entirely my fault. We haven't exactly spent any quality time with each other and thats not how things are supposed to be in a relationship. She was always off with Ashley or At work or with the one of the boys. She never made time for me. And i am making such a big deal out of this and so is she, we werent even dating for 2 months so i don't think our relationship was too serious yet anyways.

I completely forgot to answer Louis' question so now all eyes were on me. The room has been silent for at least 5 minutes now. But someone clear their throat and that caught my attention.

"Zayn.... Why are you here?" The voice was sad, angry and croaky. It was Stephanie who had spoken, i looked up but was too scared to look directly into her eyes because my heart would break to see her sadness. The sadness that showed she really did care for me but doesn't anymore.

"Well then, get out." A more confident ashley spoke. I wasn't moving, no matter how hard i tried. I was frozen and my legs wouldn't let me move.

"Zayn, Get out." Ashley was growing impatient by the tone of her voice and her being angry was not something i was ready to experience. Stupid legs move... I could move anything, i was looking around the room when my vision went black, but not before i caught a glimpse of that beautiful face i was in love with. I felt a sharp pain in my back but i couldn't hear anything, see anything or move.

My eyes are wide open but i see pitch black.

My mind is switched off yet I'm still thinking. How is this?

If i die, i will have one regret. Not showing Stephanie Damsler how much i truly love her...

Steph's POV

"He's not breathing... CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" Liam shouted, i had to refrain myself from breaking down into a ball of tears and dying. How did this happen... What the Hell?!?! He was standing there perfectly fine and then he just... Fell.

"CALL A BLOODY AMBULANCE!!" Liam shouted again. Everyone who was standing around in shock quickly moved around looking for their phones.

"Its quicker if i drove him, carry him Down to my car" i said, probably wasn't the safest option but we had to get Zayn to the hospital as fast as we could and the ambulance would take at least 30 mins to get to us. Liam nodded in response and picked Zayn up, being very cautious at the same time.


The doctor came out of Zayn's hospital room with a straight face and his eyes on his clip board. I quickly stood up and rushed over to him,

"Is he okay? Please doctor..."

"Im sorry but he hasn't made it. We had to cut off his life resources to give them to another, more important patient." He lifted his arm to indicate the room in which Zayn had given his life to support the person inside. I moved closer to the door and peered in, there lying in the bed, was a old looking woman with stringy, greasy, straw like hair clinging to her face. She was standing by the window and looked perfectly healthy... All she needed was a make over. However, my mind flicked back to reality and realized she was the reason that Zayn wasnt hear. Her. That piece of crap that was picked up from the sidewalk back when it was the stone age.

She took her attention off the outside and put it on me, she stood staring into my eyes until a smile flicked across her face and she started to cackle.

"If i cant have Zayn, nobody can!" Her face grew evil and she continued to cackle. Her face turned green, as did her body. Then red, then purple, then blue and then she disappeared in a cloud of dust.

"No, please no Zayn don't die," i said starting to cry once i made my way into Zayns room after witnessing the weird display. He lay there, cold as ice and hard as stone. He was gone.

I flung my eyes open and realized this had all been a terrible nightmare and that Zayn could still be alive. I was still curious as to why that woman was in my dream, i didn't even know her, the only thing that rung in my head was that i had read on her medical Bracelet her name was Sugar. The rest of the name wasn't readable as it was in heavy cursive font.

The doctor walked out of a room and Liam abruptly got up out of his seat and rushed over to him. His face fell and his eyes began to water. I could see exactly what was going on because the doctor lead him into the room and shut the door behind him. Why didn't i want to get up and see if Zayn was okay? Was it the fact that maybe he wasn't okay and that i would loose him that was stopping me? Who knew? No one.






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