Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Stephanie's POV

Stupid paparazzi always have to ruin everything! I was just telling Louis about -one of- my illnesses when we were so rudely interrupted by the selfish, camera loving ass holes. [(A/N- I don't actually think of paparazzi like that, don't mean to offend anyone!)]. I am starting to fall for Louis, or already have I mean, he's an amazing, funny, friendly guy. Not to mention how good looking he is! Hopefully the paps didn't get any pictures of us together because that would be really bad considering the situation at hand.

We got back to the apartment and Louis announced that he had to leave for an interview and I had the house to myself because Ashley has decided to go out to the shops with some people that she met that live on our floor that happen to be around the same age as her. I am feeling very anti social at the moment as I left all my friends behind in Australia after the accident, they hate me now because I have ignored them for so long and they thought I was dead at one stage. When I was younger (1 year ago) and still in high school, I was the most liked girl in the year, but that didn't make me the most popular. No, I wasn't rich, hot or snobby enough to fit into that characterization, but I'm not complaining. I enjoyed my high school years. Well, when the teachers weren't ruining it, I wasn't getting teased because of my disorder or tormented by Chloe. I had some good friends but I just dropped them like that, put it this way, it would have hurt them less if I just walked up to them and simply stated "your dropped" and turned my back on them forever, but obviously that is way too rude for my liking. I prefer not to confront people face to face, however I dislike bitching about people behind their back too. If you don't have something nice to say then don't say it at all, one of the reasons so many people liked me. That and they could trust me if they needed someone to talk to. I decided to put my self out of my unfriendly misery and go to the shops. I have slowly been coming out of the 'emo' phase that I was in when my family passed. Not completely though, I still love wearing thick, black eyeliner and layers of mascara, just not as often and I have also started to wear actual colour not just black and shades of grey. My sense in music has also changed and I am now back into the pop genre, all tough I still don't like one directions music as much as I used to.

I got off my lazy ass and grabbed my purse. Its Friday night, still, this day has just been going on forever! Luckily though it was in fact late night shopping so I don't have to worry about rushing around trying on clothes before the owners get agro and chuck a rage at me (has happened). Before I do anything, I have a craving for a spearmint thick shake that I am going to have to deal with first.


"Yeah I know right! Hah yeah, look why don't you just come over so we don't waste anymore of our credit. Plus I have to make sure that Ash has everything ready for her first proper day at her new school tomorrow. Yeah. Cool see you soon. Yep tell Kels to come to. No it doesn't matter that she is with Paige tell her she can come over to. Oh and is Amanda there with you guys? Cool get her to come along to. Ok bye!" I clicked and on my call with Hali. I know what you are thinking; who the hell is she on about, but, I bumped into these girls when I went shopping on Friday and we have been chatting non-stop since. I can say these girls are my best friends even though I have only just met them 3 days ago.

"Boys, my friends are coming over," I walked into the lounge room to see all five boys sitting on my couch.

"You mean, we aren't your only friends?" Harry joked; everyone laughed except for Liam instead he nodded disapprovingly. I looked around to see Louis sitting next Zayn looking phased out and not paying attention.

"Lou, what's up?" asked genuinely worried, he is never this dull or was it nervous?

"Huh? Oh sorry, I just have something on my mind I would like to share with you all," we nodded in unison indicating for him to go on, I hated waiting in situations like this. Maybe he was going to tell me that he actually realized he does have feelings for me, yeah right, as if that would ever happen. But I couldn't help but think of the possibilities. I mean, not to show off or anything but I do have 60% of One Direction swooning at my feet.

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