14- Mine

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**Trigger warning— dubcon and then con? Amer is only submitting to Geir because he has no choice.... at first ;) Also, with that said, this should be obvious, but... explicit sex scene ahead** 


No, I didn't feel when he stopped his massage. But I definitely felt it when he started something else up.
Between one breath and the next, my knees were all but digging into my chest, and his face was—

"Oh dear gods!" I cried, my entire body jumping as his tongue ran over the wrinkled, sensitive skin around my hole. I could feel his chuckle, dragging the rough hairs of his day-old facial hair against the skin of my ass, and I couldn't help the yelp that sensation provoked.

He murmured a few soothing words— probably something like "don't be such a baby"— before his tongue was softly rubbing up and down my crack, drawing sharp sparks up and down my spine, and causing gooseflesh to rise across my entire body.

I grabbed the furs around my head, clenching my eyes as his talented tongue brought me more pleasure than I had ever known was possible. I had never even touched myself down there, had never imagined that someone would... do what he was doing.

Not only was he taking his time, lathering my ass, the skin around it, and my perineum with his spit, but he seemed to be... enjoying it.


His growls and grunts of approval were topped only by the soft way he rubbed my thighs while holding them up and out of the way of his probing tongue.

As his tongue curled around itself and speared into me, past the ring of my hole, I cried out, reaching down to grab at his hair. It was an instinctive move to hold him to me, to try to get that sensation again, but I froze in terror that I had done it.

How would he react that I had grabbed him, pulled his hair?

My fear must have reached him, because he pulled back, reached over to grab my clenched hand that I had yanked back from him, and placed it on his hair. Giving permission with the simple gesture. His smile was wicked as I ran my fingers through his hair, and then he was all but out of sight again and I couldn't help but dig the fingers of both hands into his hair.

His growl of approval egged me on, and I arched my back to try to get his tongue further inside of me.

"Oh gods, yes!" I cried, my cock leaking continuously against my chest. I was practically rolled in a ball so the Warlord could get at my hole— so much so I feared my own spend would get into my mouth.

But it was a fleeting thought, quickly gone.

Because I truly didn't care after a while. I thought only of the sensations he brought me, and my pending release.

"Please, Master! Please... I need..." I stopped, my head jerking to the side to grab at the edge of one of the blankets in my teeth to hold back a scream. He had forced a finger into my soaked hole, and was now pushing it in and out, his tongue digging around it, in with it, the two appendages working in tandem.

Everything stopped, his finger stilling in my hole, his tongue retreating so he could look up into my eyes. His were dark with barely withheld desire and lust, and an almost violent need and heat.

"Geir," he grunted, the one word said around clenched teeth. I shook my head, just then noticing that my hips were rocking on his still finger, trying to get the friction my body had just a moment before.

"Master, I don't—" I began, but he cut me off with a growl.

"— Geir. No master. Geir."

I immediately understood. Geir must be the Akari word for master. Or maybe his title— like Warlord.

Far From Home One: The Warlord's Chosen-- A M/M Fantasy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now