31- Lots and Lots of Practice

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*****smut ahead ////w//// *****


When Amer had finished cleaning my body, his hesitant touches and inexperienced seduction the most stunning thing I had ever witnessed, he pulled away for a moment. He wiped himself down perfunctorily before leaning forward and pulling my cock into his hand. My entire body tensed, and my eyes met his, my shock momentarily taking my tongue.

"You said I could... could touch you? I want..." He looked down, watching as his hand stroked my cock underneath the water. I fought the overwhelming urge to fuck up into the tight fist he had grasping my manhood, instead keeping myself as still as I could. His exploratory seductions were enjoyable, to say the least.

"I am yours to do with as you please," I replied when I was able to speak again. "What do you want me to do, little mate?"

"Can you sit up, out of water? I want put my mouth... my mouth on you?"

I don't think I've ever moved as fast as I did in that moment, to sit up on the seat of the tub, out of the water. Waves of water splashed out of the tub, and Amer laughed at my excitement, his face flaming with his embarrassment. But his prick was hard, and he eyed me with excitement and lust.

"I've never... I'll try be good for you," he whispered as he knee-walked to my legs and spread my knees so he could move between them.

"Dear gods," I murmured hoarsely, trying so hard to keep my hands on the rim of the tub. I didn't want to rush him, or scare him with the intensity of how much I wanted his skin, his lips, his tongue, gods, any part of him, on me. "You couldn't do wrong, my mate. Just... just touch me, please. You're going to drive me mad with your little touches and teasing. Touch me. Please. Put my cock in your fucking—"

I all but choked on my own tongue as he licked a stripe up my cock. He paused at the tip, adjusting his grip on the base, before kitten licking the slit. He pulled back as a small drop of precum beaded from the hole at the tip. He looked up at me, his eyes dark with heat, before leaning forward and, his eyes never leaving mine, dipped his tongue against the slit and swallowing the drop of precum.

"Fuck," I hissed, bucking up involuntarily. At this rate, with his touches light, hesitant, inexperienced, I'd never come, but I was enjoying the ride and the view along the way.

His tongue was back on my cock, and I braved a hand forward to gently brush my fingers through his hair. He didn't even pause as I pushed his hair back from his face so I could watch him.

I enjoyed his teasing, almost taunting ministrations, for what must have been ten minutes or more before I was unable to hold back anymore.

"Little mate, open your mouth and put the head of my cock inside. Keep your teeth away, there like that." I moaned, digging my fingers into his scalp to hold him still against me. "Now, take as much as you can into your mouth, alright? Don't... ugh, don't choke or gag, but just as far as you can... yes, just like that. Then out, and back in, yes, fuck, Amer."

I panted, and my orgasm began to build even higher when I felt Amer's fingers gently begin to fondle and stroke my balls.

"Yes, good, so good, just like that," I chanted, my hips thrusting slightly of their own accord. "I'm going to pull back, Amer, and come on your face, ok? Can I mark your pretty face, little mate?"

He hummed his ascent just as my cock hit the back of his throat and he gagged, and my orgasm peaked. I cried out, yanking myself from his mouth, and stroked myself through my orgasm as my cum splattered across Amer's lips, his cheek, and then a few weak spurts trickled down to hit his neck.

I slumped back, reaching down to rub my cum into Amer's skin. Wanting to mark him as my own, to completely fucking cover him in my scent, my spend.

I scooped up a glob that had landed on his neck, raising it to his mouth. I held it in front of him, giving him the choice. He looked up at me, then my fingers, before tentatively licking my fingers. He made a face at the taste, and I chuckled, but he swallowed it. And I wanted to wrap him up and cry out my pride that he was mine.

"Don't worry, little mate," I joked. He looked up at me, and I chuckled as he began to rub at the cum I had rubbed into his skin. "You'll improve with time and practice. Lots and lots of practice."

My laughter drowned out his annoyed huff and, rolling his eyes, he stood from the tub and stepped away.

Far From Home One: The Warlord's Chosen-- A M/M Fantasy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now