23- Mating Day

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When I first caught a glimpse of Amer, moving towards me from the crowd of my men and some of their families, I couldn't help the groan that rose to my throat. He wore the flowing robes of a mating, in my tribal colors of red and silver, and they flowed around his slim body like water. His torso was bare, showing off the sparkling nipple rings, dangling belly ring I had the sudden, but frequent and familiar, urge to chew on, and his soft, pale stomach.

His golden hair was tied up and back with various braids, in a similar style to the one he had worn when he had been presented to me in El'kahr. His feet were bare, covered in silver dangles, and the precious jewels woven in his hair sparkled in the crackling light of the bonfire.

I felt a sweep of gratitude pour through me when I saw my Mama, Ani, and Abi backing my little mate. Their show of support, along with his wearing my tribal colors, was an obvious message to any who saw.

My family— my tribe— backed my choice of Warprize and mate.

When Amer reached me, the smile on his face made me take a step back. There was something... shifted, changed,  in the way he looked up at me. He was just a little less guarded, his eyes just a little less hostile, and his smile far more genuine than any I had seen him show. Except those little smiles I caught him forming in his sleep as he cuddled up against my side, and the sated smirks I knew he didn't even realize he was showing after I had pleasured him thoroughly.

Clara, Abi's mate and the Tribal Chief of the nearest tribe to my own, took a deep breath and met my eyes. Then she nodded and I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms.

She had agreed with Ember of the Starwind Tribe and Lister of the Deercat Tribe. They believed that we had been too easy on the El'kahrians. That we should have killed their king, and his son, and taken one of the daughters as Warprize.

I had argued that enough blood had been shed, and they could hurt my prince over my dead body. I would take as many down with me as I could, in protection of my mate.

Not that that would be necessary, but my passion and fervor seemed to carry the message to them that I would hear nothing evil against my mate.

It wasn't as if they had a say in who I chose as Warprize, or that it would really come to bloodshed. They had chosen me as Warlord, and they would abide by my decision. Their dissent was merely to show their opinion, as was their right, and nothing more. They would accept, or they wouldn't. It was really only about letting me and the others know their opinion.

And Clara had agreed with Ember and Lister. But I knew she had been wary of voicing her opinion too strongly, because my sister, her mate, was very close to her sisters and my mother. It would hurt her if Clara went against me.

For this reason, as she saw how my sister had accepted my mate as her brother, she had no choice but to give our mating her blessing.

So I had the support of my own tribe, Clara's, and I knew Ami's mate Isle would back me. The other three tribes— besides Ember and Lister's— had already given me their support.

If only the two tribes Ember and Lister headed declined blessings, I was happy to ignore the two dissenters. They meant nothing in the face of the joy I felt at seeing my mate step up to me and tilt his face to mine.

"Asking for a kiss, my sweet mate?"

"Yes, please," he answered simply, with an adorable, shy smile on his lips.

I was a little taken aback— was he flirting back?— but I obediently dipped down and touched my lips to his. His usual hesitation seemed to have faded, for he pressed against my mouth with his own, his hands coming up to steady himself by my shoulders.

"You look beautiful, little mate," I said as I pulled away, fingering one of the nipple piercings that constantly tempted me. He shivered and his body jerked as both nipples perked up and his breaths came in fast. His quick arousal was almost amusing, but I knew my mate disliked being intimate in front of others. So I backed off, pressing my hands against his hips and pulling him around to my side.

It was time.

I pitched my voice high, glad that the crowd around us had gone quiet as they watched me and my Warprize greet each other.

"I claim as my own, my life mate and my partner, Amer Groban, Prince of El'kahr. And I ask the Tribal Chiefs of Akar to accept my mate as Warprize for the end of the War with El'kahr— a sign of ongoing peace and plenty. What say you, brothers?"

Each Tribal Chief, in a circle around me, proclaimed their approval. Like I had thought, both Ember and Lister denied Amer as Warprize. But their dissent was all but ignored as a great cheer rose up around me and Amer, and I pulled him up against me.

To my great surprise, Amer not only submitted to my pulling him up against me, he wrapped his scantily-clad legs around my waist, his arms around my neck, and pressed his forehead against my own.

"This... good thing, yes? They accept me?"

Not for the first time, I was shocked by how quickly he had picked up Akari, but I had a feeling my mate would continue to give me surprises for our entire life together.

"They accept you, little mate. How could they not?"

His rolled eyes in annoyance was a little more familiar to me, and I chuckled as I let him back to his feet, so we could greet the tribal chiefs who approached to be introduced to my mate. I didn't release him without cupping his asscheeks in my hands and squeezing gently, wanting nothing more than to drag him from the bonfire and into my bed chambers so I could show his body how I had been holding myself back.

His glance up at me, rather than annoyed at the touch, was thoughtful and... aroused.

Dear gods, he wanted me too. And it was more than a reluctant attraction, and submission as Warprize. He felt pleasure at my touch, and wanted it for himself.

What had my sisters and Mama said to him? He had never been rebellious, had submitted to me sweetly over and over, each time I presented him to my people, each time I touched him, held him, kissed him, but there had always been a wall he kept up between us. Even as he submitted his body to me, he had kept a part of himself closed off.

And I was finally seeing glimpses of that part— was experiencing it.

Gods, I wanted to taste it. To revel in it. To find out what true, whole, and complete submission from my mate would feel like.

My pa was first to be introduced, and Amer's flustered stuttering was endearing. So much so, my mama leaned forward and placed a finger against his lips.

"Silence, young one. Breathe. This is your mating day— a day of celebration and love. Don't be so nervous."

His glance up at me at the words was searching, curious, but then he was facing my mama again and nodding.

"I'm sorry, Hama. You're right."

Mama smiled and turned to look me over as well. "You chose well, son," she said before cupping my cheeks and pulling me down so she could lay a kiss on both. She turned to Amer to do the same to him, though for him she had to stoop a bit, leaving him slightly dazed. "Live long in peace and love, boys."

Another glance up at me, and I wanted to ask him why he seemed so confused, searching. What he wanted to ask of me.

I didn't get the chance. Clara stepped forward to introduce herself, with Abi clinging to her as always, and for the next few hours he was in my arms, but I could barely say a word to him. At some point, Ami's mate Danika brought us a plate of food to share, but we could barely eat it with the crowds around us demanding our constant attention.

Within a few hours, I could feel my mate lagging, his body pressing into me more and more, and I excused myself and my mate and pulled away, all but carrying him with me.

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