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[Date #8]

Izumi & Itachi

Inner's POV

Today marks the day that Naruto and I returned to the village. I still can't believe it's been an year since then, today is also the day I have to go to my final Date tag along kind of thing with Itachi and his girlfriend or should I say fiancé, he asked for her hand in marriage a few months back, I wonder when their wedding is going to be...

"Hey Saku-Chan! Let's go to the mall, we need to buy some things! By the way the girls are waiting for us outside." Ino said poking her head inside my room.

"Yeah Sakura let's go with them." I encouraged her.

"Fine." She said, making Ino squeal in delight dragging Sakura out the room, into the living room then out the door.

"Take good care of my daughter, Ino!" Tou-San called out as the door closed behind us.

"I will Hatake-San!" Ino yelled back.

Once outside the girls came towards us, excitedly. Why are they so hyped up.

"Hey so I haven't had the opportunity to introduce myself properly. My name is Karin Uzumaki, it's nice to finally meet you, Hatake-San." A red headed girl with glasses said with a grin on her face. She kind of reminds me of Sasori.

"Likewise." Sakura responded.

"Let's go guys!" Tenten yelled and everyone cheered.

On the way to to the mall, everyone chattered in how excitingly it was going to be.

"Why are you guys so excited?" I said taking control of Sakura's body for a millisecond to ask the question that has been killing me since I left my house.

"Didn't Itachi tell you? Today is the day Him and Izumi-Chan are getting married. And Izumi-Chan was so generous to invite Shikamaru, Temari, Naruto, and Hinata to marry right along side of them. So today three couples are getting married. That's why we are going to the mall this very moment to buy the perfect attire to go.

Kushina-San is helping Hinata and Temari with their dresses and make-up. And for Izumi, her mom is helping her. And as for the boys they are a complete mess. Naruto has been eating all day because of his nervousness, and Sasuke has been helping Itachi keep calm because if he doesn't he would run to Izumi as soon he gets a chance, and as for Shikamaru...well he's asleep...." Ino explained.

"So...there wasn't a date today but a wedding?" I said again taking control of the body. Making Sakura force me to take complete control as she went to the back of our mind.

" Nope there wasnt a date to begin with. Well let's hurry guys! We don't want to be late to the wedding later on, right?" Ino said popping the 'P' then dragging me to the direction of the mall.
After an hour we finally had found the dresses and accessories, now the only thing we need was to actually put the things on and head over where the wedding was taking place.

Ino helped me do my makeup and Karin helped me with my hair, they did an amazing job at it, i loved it a lot I wish I could keep it forever but that's too overboard. Then they made their hair and makeup similar to mine but with their own style to it, gotta admit we looked gorgeous.

After an hour of getting ready we headed to the place the wedding was taking place and to my surprise it was on the meadow that Ino and Sai had their date and also where Naruto asked Hinata for her hand in marriage.

When we got there everyone that was close to the Uchiha's, Uzumaki's and Nara's were already there. We hurried and went to take a seat before the brides start walking the aisle.

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