Authors note

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Hey guys this is not a chapter, I'm sorry  if I disappointed you guys.

I'm still working on the upcoming chapters so when they are all finished you will read them and continue. I'm sorry for the long wait. But this authors note is not about the story.

This is about you guys, me dear awesome readers. As you may all know of Covid-19. I want to make sure all of you guys are safe. You guys may be all strangers to me and I for you. But I worry of your well being.

How are you guys feeling?

Is quarantine treating you well or you just want to leave your house already?

Is everything okay with you guys? Im asking this in mentally okay, have you guys been eating properly?

If you don't feel comfortable sharing stuff here, my inbox is always open to everyone.

Besides me, does anyone feel that they've gained more fat for always eating throughout this passed few weeks or no?

What have you guys done so far throughout quarantine besides being in Wattpad?

Do you guys recommend any games, movies, shows, stories, anything at all?

Would you guys like to do a reader, author game thing where you guys come up with questions and I answer them or something?

Do you guys have any questions from the story or anything your curious about, either from the story or what's going on in the world?

Don't forget to speak to someone if your feeling lonely. And if speaking to a friend or family isn't an option because your afraid of being judged, feel free to message me. They always say that venting to a stranger is better because we won't judge you.

Stay safe guys, love y'all. Ja ne! 🥺

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