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We are now in dancetale and i decide to text blue, i could just come over but i want to tell him that im not gonna do the sam ething as before that i only want to spend time and have a little talk.

Hey Blue

Oh. Hey, we havent text eachother in a while...what do you want?

I want to tell you im coming over. Again

Let me guess...with ink too?

No. But i a coming with a friend, im sure you two would get along nicely

Why is that?

Because, he convince me to let you be...i think both of you have alot in common. Yes im not gonna try and talk you out of this anymore since its what you want. I just want to spend abit of time with you...if thats ok

I guess it wouldnt hurt... when are you coming?

This evening.

Oh. You cant come this eveing, i got plans this evening

Thats ok. Just tell me when then i can come to the void again

Ok. Ill tell you when i have free time. Bye Dream

Bye Blue.

I put my phone in my pocket and turn to face tender who's floating and eating chocolate candy with out a care in the world "We arent visiting blue this evening" tender look at me and float infront of me "why?" He say with a questioning look and continue to eat chocolate candies. I reply to him"he said he have something to do" i look down slightly disapointed that i couldnt see him this evening. Tender pat my shoulder and smile "cheer up. Just cuz he can see you this evening doesnt mean he dont want to" i smile and look up at him. If only i knew why he is a ghost...i feel like he doesnt deserve to die, he should be having a happy life "you're right. Thanks Tender, can i have one of your candy please?" I ask nicely. He then shove his last chocolate candy in his mouth and talk with his mouth full "sorry, im all out" i just giggled at him seing how much he like chocolate, its almost like he's obsessed with it. We then continue to look atound diffrent aus making sure nothing is wrong and we go home at the end of the day. When i was about to go to bed i got a notification. I open my phone and see that its a message from blue, i quickly open it.


Sorry if im disturbing i know you should be sleeping at this hour

I just tought we could have a little chat before you go to bed.

No need to be sorry! Its ok! I'd love to talk😊

Oh! Ok.

So...how was your day?

Classic conversation starter XD

XD It was ok. Less boring then before now that i have some one around

And by around mean always following me around like a lost puppy

...He's complaining XD

Ohhh who is HE?
Did you find someone you like?

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