[8] Little Pieces

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"Mistew Ewwow?"

The child say as Tender, with a surprised expression, look down at the child with a confused look on his face. Some one called him Error again. It's Little Chara holding a little crochet doll in her hand as she look up at the, supposed to be invisible, skeleton. At first, Tender was startled and thought he might've made himself visible by accident as he was watching Dream play with the children. This also caught Dream's attention as he look over at the two of them while the nice caretaker walk over with a soft smile.

"Chara? Who are you talking to sweety?" The caretaker ask as she hold Chara and pet her. Little Chara still keep her eyes on Tender who sigh in relief, but also confused on how Chara specifically can see him while the others does seem to be able to. The little girl point and reach out to him which cause Dream, the caretaker and the other children some confusion. The caretaker lady sigh and pick her up. "I think you're tired sweety. You did skip your nap time after all" The lady say to the child as she hold her in her arm and take her to the other room where the children rest in. The others were confused as they look back at Dream. "She's talking a bout him again." one of the children say, which caught Dream's attention as he look down at them immediately. "Him who, sweety?" the star themed skeleton ask as the child answer while leaning against him. "Chara been asking a lot about this Mr. Error. She always ask 'Where is Mr. Error? Is he visiting today? He's been gone for a while...' this and that. Now she's calling him again. I guess he's her imaginary friend." said the child as they go back to pick up their toy from the floor and play with it with their friends. Dream just process what the child had just said to him, wanting to talk to Tender about it but he can't exactly see him at the moment.

While that happen in the main room, Tender actually ended up following the caretaker to the nap room with Chara as she set the little girl down and tuck her in. "Now Dear, You should rest now, Okay? you can play with the others after your little nap. Would you like me to read you a story? A lullaby to help you sleep?" She ask the child with a soft look on her face. Chara's eyes turn to Tender who has one finger over his mouth, asking her to not tell the caretaker anything. Which the child understand as she look back at the Caretaker and shook her head. "Just sleep with night light please" Says the child as she hug her doll. The lady smile and nodded as she fix the child hair from her face "Alright then. Call me if you need anything, I must watch over the others in the other room, Okay?" And with that, the lady leaves the room. Tender, who has been floating at the side, approach the tiny bed which made the little girl smile. Tender doesn't know how to react having never met the child before, but he needed to ask questions so he just smile back. The little girl reach out her hand to Tender only for him to move away from the touch a little being surprised by her sudden movement, causing the child a bit of confusion. Tender see this and hold his hand out to the child, This time letting the other touch him. Chara look at his skeletal hand and gladly held it and smile immediately when her tiny hand came in contact with the other's. This honestly also shocked Tender sense he is currently supposed to still be invisible, there for he shouldn't be able to be touched either.

She look up at the man once more before she began talking again. "You visit again! It's been so long. I thought you're nevew gonna come see me again..." said the girl as she smile widely and then hold out he crochet doll in her hand towards him happily. " Look! Look! I still have the doll you made me this time. And was just washed yestewday!" she say, proudly showing her clean doll. Tender only smile softly, not knowing what to say back to the little one. He would like to start asking some questions, but the child seem so happy right now seeing who she thought is Error, the person that she obviously misses dearly. He doesn't want to ruin that for her by saying that "I'm not him and I don't know who you are talking about" or lie and tell her that he had forgotten a lot of things, because obviously this person and her were very close and she looks up to and love this person. He sigh and reach out his other hand to stroke the girl's hair and Chara smile at the touch and hug her doll. After a few seconds, Tender finally gather his thoughts as he open his mouth and speak. "Sorry it's been a while, kiddo. I've been having problems with things. I'll try visiting more often from now on" he smile towards the child. He thought a little bit more on his words before speaking again. "Why don't you remind me more on what we used to do? Next time I visit we can do it again." Once that's said, Chara smile brighten as she remember what they used to do and telling them to the other with enthusiasm, it's to the point that he had to remind the girl to be a little quieter so the caretaker wouldn't come and interrupt their conversation. She was happy to share "their" memories together, how Error always come and talk to her about interesting stuff that has happened to him like a story, which Tender recognize to be things that happen in other alternate universes, but it seems that it was told to the girl as if they were normal stories. Make sense. He listen as his own smile widen as the girl share time she spend together with Error, it's like he's living the memories himself with a clear image of it in his head. So clearly... He keep in mind that he's pretending to be the person and ack as if he remember and would chuckle when Chara "remind" of all these stuff. Whenever he say something wrong or made a mistake he would play it off as him joking and the little would believe him and giggle or give him a small pout. Eventually, she grew tired and after noticing this he help her lay down and pull the cover over her as he pat her head. "Now, it's time to take your nap." He say softly. Chara reach out to hold his hand and look at him with a pleading look on her face. "You'll be hewe still when I wake up, wight?" She ask sadly which cause Tender to feel bad about what he's about to say, but he has to tell her. He sigh as he tell her "Sorry, Kiddo. But I won't be here when you woke up. But! I will be visiting again to see you! We can play together next time" He say, trying to cheer her up a little by telling her even if he have to leave, he'll be back. She's still sad, but she nodded as she rest her little head on the pillow, trusting that the skeleton will keep his word and come back another time. Tender help soothe the child mind so she can rest easy, and once she fell asleep he leave the nap room and went back to the main room where Dream was with the other children, playing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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