Phe:"oh guys!"
Will:"wh-at i-s it ph-e?"
Phe:"we have an ask and a dare"
Will:"i-it w-o-ont h-urt u-s w-ill i-t?"
Phe:"oh no no no will,all of it is safe"
Will:*visably relaxes*
Rev:"so what are they?"
Phe:"oh yes so we'll do the dare first, it comes from xxAshplaysxx who dares will and rev to read a willdip fanfic smut or fluff y'all's pick and bill and dipper to read a billdip fanfic again smut or fluff y'all's pick now go! I has art to work on and post"
-they noded and headed off to read them, Will and Rev read service by billdipishot.
Will is silent through most of it and rev can't quit nitpicking it but hey that's rev for ya after they read they gave their over all thought
Rev:"they got hardly anything right ugh!"
Will:"m-ma-s-t-ter i-ts f-an f-icti-on, i-ts n-n-ot g-going t-o b-be c-om-p-letly a-acrute"
Will:"i-t w-as p-retty g-oo-d"
Dipper and bill read you're mine pinetree by PunkyPilgrim
Bill:"oh come on I have a better sense of direction!"
Dipper:"he would do that he would definitely do that"
After they read they gave their over all thoughts
Bill:"it was fine I guess"
Dipper:"it was pretty good"
Dipper:"um phe can you pause supernatural and put your chocolate,Dr pepper,and art stuff for a minute and give us the ask?"
Phe:"yes to giving you that ask noway to the other stuff I'm a master multitasker anyway the ask comes from xxAshleypinkxx who asks who gets jealous easily?"
Will:"u-mm m-ma-s-t-ter d-ose b-ut w-o-ont adm-mit i-t"
Dipper:"bill it's always bill"
Okay so i don't normally put these here but id like to say that both authors I mentioned in the chapter are amazing and check them out their fanfictions are wonderful despite what ever the character may have said
ask or dare willdip and Billdip
Fanfictionso I've been reading these lately and decided id be fun to start my own so yeah!