another dare and another plan to commit murder probably

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Phe:"alrighty we have another so will rev comer!"


Will:"y-yes ph-e?"

Phe:" ihascatquackcoolness has dared rev to dye wills hair pink for a month"

Rev:"and why would I do that to my blueberry?"

Will:*mumbles that he doesn't want pink hair and then promptly apologizies for complaining*

Phe:"I'm sorry will"*hugs the cinnamon roll*

-they go through with the dare and will dosent like his hair and is upset about it but tries to hide it-

Phe:"now while writing this we got another dare but it's for everyone! It's from mabel124644

Everyone is being dared to play bloody Mary now while she says don't play with them and I also don't want anyone to try this at home I have played before but now it's y'all Trun will Dipper rev and bill so go on play"

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Everyone is being dared to play bloody Mary now while she says don't play with them and I also don't want anyone to try this at home I have played before but now it's y'all Trun will Dipper rev and bill so go on play"

Will:*is scared*

Both dippers are indifferent

Bill:*is excited*

-they go through with it and she appears an will is now scared to death and bill is laughing while Dipper is documenting it and rev is taking care if bill-

Phe:"well leave ask or dares"

(So I published this a few days ago but it didn't publish I'm so sorry)

ask or dare willdip and Billdip Where stories live. Discover now