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I was sitting in bed, feeling lazy as fuck, debating wethere or not to go get an icecream to eat. Finally I decide to get up. I litterally put on whatever was on the floor and head out.

Unfortunatly, the icecream shop was closed, and instead of getting back home, I just sit on a cold bench in a dark quite alley.

Suddenly, someone approaches me and my instinct is to jump and scream.

-"Relax, Gee! If you scream one more time someone will think that I am raping you!" He says in a very deep and calm voice. 

I know that voice. He is Dylan (my crush). I calm down, and mentally slap myself for wearing such crappy clothes.

I am so surprised, I don't even know what is happening, he never talked to me before so this is super strange but I am definitly NOT complaining.

-"Here.." He hands me something in a plastic bag "This is for you." 

To my surprise, there is a cup of icecream as well as some popcicles. I look back and forth between the icecream and my crush.

-"How did you. . ." 

-"I saw you looking for icecream. I know you like it, so I bought some for you"

-"Where did you get this?"

-"Does it really matter?" He raises an eyebrow at me accompanied with a smirk which instantly throws his hoteness over the charts. 

I don't even realize I am staring at him until he interrupts me " Will, are you going to stare at me or are you going to dig into that?"

-"I will be eating this now hah.." I say embarassed. And if that wasn't enough, I am even more embarassed when I cant' open the cup.

-"Let me get that for you" He holds my hand that has the cup in it and removes the cap for me. 

My heart just milted a little at his touch. It was gentle, worm, and just perfect.

 He takes a popsicle, lays his head back to look at the stars, leaning on one hand, and holding the popcicle in the other.

I am mezmorized. How can this get better?

He turns to me again and just takes the cup away from me.

-"Hey! I am so not done with that!"

-"Hah, I know, but your hands were shaking. Let me feed you." He smiles at me, showing his dimples.

-"I am not a baby, I think I can do it my..."

-"You aren't, but I want to do it." He stares at me with his deep eyes and I just remain silent.

-"Fight settled, open up" 

I slowely open my mouth and we don't break eye contact as I swallow the sweeter than usual chocolate flavored icecream.

He wipes the excess cream on my lips and as I focus on his shimering eyes, I can see the way he looks as my lips: like a predator ready to attack. 

I quickly try to change the subject

-" How long do I have to wait for this damn bite!"

-"Oh.. Coming right up!"

-"You know, you can have some of that too."


-"You are jocking! It is yours anyways !"

-"Alright than"

He puts the scoop of icecream in my mouth, puts aside everything and just leans in.

As I try to back away, he holds my cheeks and pulls me to him.

-"What are you doing?" I whisper

-"Getting what is mine." he seduces me with his deep voice

-"Get it from the cup" I try to stand tall and not give in

-"Not the icecream. You" His cold sweet breath takes away whatever is left of mine and I just close my eyes.

The anticipation before the kiss had my heart almost beating out of my chest, and I was so afraid because I never kissed anyone before, but the moment our lips touched and I smelt his cologne, felt his cold lips, my animal instinct just kicked in again, and if felt so natural to tilt my head, move my lips, and even lick the icecream off his lips. 

He wasn't shy at all himself, leading my movements and even oushing back to lay completly on the bench. He was on top of me and I could not beleive this was happening. 

After a few minutes I finally stopped.

-"I think I should go home, they will be worried."

I get up and start walking away really quickly before I change my mind. But my will is tested when I feel an arm around my stomach, which instantly turns to jello.

He pulls me back, closing the space that was once separating our bodies, and he tucks my hair behind my ear with his other hand, and whispers on my neck

-"Want to have icecream another time?"

I look back at him and kiss him. I know he knows the answer, so I just walk away sure more than ever that I love Icecream <3 .

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