A delightful visit

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I really hate going out with my mother. She is already yelling at me like there is no tomorrow, her screeches audible 4 floors away from her. I guess I kind of just got adapted to hearing her yell, now it's just normal.

We are supposed to be meeting with a friend of hers. I don't know who she is because my mom litterally woke me up 10 minutes ago and told me to get ready. And it was either going out with her or doing housework, you can guess what I chose.

We arrive to this really big house and I the woman who opens the door is reeking of protocole : high heels, traditional clothing, fancy parfume, colours matching the summer trend. She looked sort of familiar, even if I have never seen her before.

The exchange of fake laughs and kisses and stupid questions no one really wants to know the answer to ( such as how are you doing, where are you studying next . . .) continued throughout the big ass garden. I got so distracted that I was eventually left behind, when I finally got to the big door of this ridiculously big house, I was met with a maid

-"Oh hello! You must be the guest's daughter, please follow me. I will show you to the teen room." she said.

I knew at that moment that she hated her job, she is way too old for this. "Teen room" really? really?

I try to keep up with her as she turns swiftly, obviously knowing where every room is.

And after quite a while running through this maze, we finally stop in this really big lounge. There is a big ass flat TV on the wall, couches enough for a group of 50 to fit in, and all sorts of food on the table.

-"Hey ma'am can I . . ." I turn around, but she is already gone.

-"Will I guess I will be helping myself to some of this.." I grab some nuts and continue the tour on my own.

I walk to a very suspicsious looking cabinet and open it. My hunch is right when I find a bunch of porn tapes in it.

Something that I have never known before possessed me that day because I was dying to get a glimpse. So I decide to search for the remote to turn the DVD on.

-"Do you want the remote?" .

-"Yes please . ." wait a second, this is a male voice. I turn around to find a very familiar face. it is Dillon.

-"Oh My God, what the fuck are you doing here?" I jump in confusion

-"This is my house. Now what the fuck are YOU doing here?"

-"I. . I . . ."I fiddle with the tape and try to hide it behind my back " I don't know.. No I know NOTHING, NOTHING is what I was doing"

-"You are a horrible liar, lemme take a look."

-"No, no . " I hold on to it even more firmly

-"Is that so?" He reaches behind my back but I dodge. " So now we are playing? This is a game?" He smiles his very charming smile at me.

-" Oh my god, look over there" I point at the wall behind him, wait for him to turn around and run as fast as my feet allow me to.

Fuck! I forgot how big this house is. Finding a way out is impossible, so I just open a door to a dark room , slam it behind me and fall to the ground.

Just as I feel safe, I start looking for the light switch to find a place so that I can hide this thing. I feel the walls for a little bit. Suddenly, I feel a huge bump on the wall, and I just touch it even more to try to figure out what the hell it is.

-"Surprise"He says as the lights get turned on.

Shocked, I back away and accidentally slip on my damn heels. He gives me no chance to get up as he steps on top of my body. He throws the tape away and pins my wrists to the ground

-"Looks like the lights aren't the only thing turned on in this room."

-"Get the fuck away from me you sick fuck." I wiggle under his weight

-"Oh come on. You don't want this." He brings his face closer to mine "You don't want this?" He removes one hand from my wrist and puts it on my cheek " You don't want us?" He touches my nose with his bringing our lips even closer. I am ready for this. I am so ready for his lips on mine.

He got my nerves at the breaking point when he broke the kiss and instead lifted me and threw me on his bed. And now I understand that I am in his room.

He didn't waste much time before joining me in there.

-"What the hell are you doing" My jaw dropping at him removing his shirt, my eyes widening at the sight of his abs.

-"No what are you doing" He smirks at me as he comes closer to me and pulls my top down revealing my chest.

He holds my hands down, stoping me from hiding my bare upper body, and my struggle to free my hands only wiggles my chest even more

-"Damn, I never though you would actually have such nice breasts"

-"Let go of me, I told you before and I am not telling you again Let go of my fucking arms or I will . . ."

He pushes his tongue into my mouth shuting me both physically and mentally completly.

He lets go of my heated lips way too early but places little kisses along my neck driving crazier and crazier with his slow movement and deep breaths.

What the hell am I doing? I should not be giving up. I feel his grip losening for his mouth is too amused with my body so I push him as hard as I can and make a run for the door.

-"Silly aren't we? Trying to escape? No, no babe. you will be here for a little longer"

-"Just let me go please, please"

He removes his belt and ties up my hands and mouth. "But the fun just began"

He kept me stranded at the door, standing there, as his tongue ran smoothly across my bareback, down to my ass. I hate admitting it, but this feels so good. His hands grabbing my chest, and his body rubbing against mine got me hot in a splitecond.

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