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Hey lads!
I'm back and I'm going back to school soon so my updates will be slow but I'll try and update once or twice (maybe more) a week. Hope you guys are enjoying it ❤️

Cardans POV
As I watched her go my heartbeats quicker and sweat broke out on my palms. I got up and the pain that coarser through my body was indescribable. I felt every wound that Jude, magnified. Like every time Jude leaves the pain becomes unbearable but when she's here I push her away.
Why am I like this?
I paced the distance of my room a few times trying to gather the thoughts swarming my head like bees. Thoughts of worry, chances and regret. I always wait for things to come to me when I should really be capturing the moment and not letting it slip through my fingers like sand.
But people are sand. Unreliable, and they will leave you and slip away into the sea when you get to close, when you let them into your world and let them know your darkest secrets. When you finally give someone the key to the padlock on the chain surrounding your heart and they unlock it and leave it wide open for anyone to see. Leave it open for them to walk dirty footprints and dance carelessly over the veins and play your heartstrings like a harp.
This is why I push people away, especially people like Jude, who, if I let too close has the power to crush my heart and leave me dead on the battleground of trust.

I finish pacing and stride over to my door and firmly push it open. Changing my pace, I then walk slowly over to the haunting door across the corridor. Gingerly, I bring up my hand and knock three firm wraps on the door. After waiting a while I decide to knock again when Jude finally opens the door. I look down to see her standing there with a hand on her hip and a sassy expression on her face. Her hair is strung up in a messy bun with small strands of hair framing her face. And a long t-shirt that says "Metallica" on it that reaches her mid thigh. I had no idea what "Metallica" was but I assume it was some human thing. I looked down at her long legs and the fact that the top was perfectly framing her curves an-

"Ok Cardan" Jude said in a bored tone. "If your going to stand there silently judging my human clothes can you wrap it up. Also I know I look good so I don't need you to eye-rape me if you don't mind." She attempted to shut the door but I stuck my hand out before she could close it.
"Actually" I replied "I came to say something"
"And that something is..."
"Well actually I came here because of the occurrences that...well...occurred earlier and I was thinking that it would probably be useful seeing as we-well-I wouldn't really call it working seeing as you do the work and I kind of sit in a big ass throne and order people around. Actually that reminds me, we should have a party soon! Als-"
"Cardan get to the point I haven't got all day!"
"Oh yes um right ok, so I wanted to apologise for the way I spoke to you earlier and the fact that I didn't thank you for helping me. It was rude and out of order and I do apologise greatly for that." Seeing as that little outburst was very needed but also very much out my character I added. "Also I wasn't eye-raping you as you called it, I was looking at that choice of outfit, not really faerie friendly Jude, anyway see you later." With that I scurried our the doorway like a coward and half walked, half ran back to my room across that corridor that separated the one girl who made my heart beat faster than the average speed. I was very proud of myself for the apology, I had never apologised to a girl before, not really anyone. And I defiantly have done some bad shit in the past, believe you me.

The wound were still hurting like hell so I decided to lay down and get some rest. Besides, I'd just done my first apology I deserve a rest, maybe even an award.

The Cruel Prince fanfic (Jude and Cardan) Where stories live. Discover now