Nightmares- K.J

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Kendall's POV

Looking down at my girlfriend peacefully sleeping, I wish I could sleep. We went to bed a few hours ago and I haven't been able to fall asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I gently get out of bed, throw on one of her t-shirts, and head downstairs. I turn on the TV but turn down the volume in order to not wake up Y/N. I couldn't understand why I couldn't sleep. My sleep paralysis hasn't acted up for a while. I sigh to myself and begin to choose something to watch. I decide on a rerun of "Keeping Up" and get comfortable on the couch knowing I won't get much sleep tonight. I decide to scroll through my notifications and reply to some fan DMs before I hear the sound of feet padding down the stairs.


It was dark. It was cold. I woke up tied up to a chair and confused. In front of me were all my friends, Zayn, Gigi, Bella, Abel, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kylie, Hailey, Taylor and finally Kendall. I tried to move to help them but I couldn't. A man appeared behind Zayn, cocking a gun and pulling the trigger. I screamed as he began to do the same to the rest before stopping at Kendall. He smirked at me as tears streamed down Kendall's face. She mouthed "I love you" at me before the man pulled the trigger. I screamed but nothing came out. The man then turned to me smirking. Blood was everywhere as I cried in agony. He came towards me, put the barrel of the gun to my head and pulled the trigger.

I shot up in a cold sweat. I realized that none of it was real and sighed in relief. I went to lay back down and pull Kendall in my arms but was met with cold sheets. Confused, I looked around the room and noticed that she wasn't in our bathroom. I heard the living room tv softly playing downstairs and decided to make my way down there.

She was sitting on the couch with her back to me so I decided to make my appearance known. "Hi.", I said softly. She turned around and frowned. "Baby, what are you doing up?" I made my way around the couch, laying down and laying my head in her lap. "Nightmare." Kendall frowned down at me. "Wanna talk about it?" My mind went back to the traumatizing dream. I shook my head and snuggled my face in her clothed stomach. She smiled softly down at me and ran her fingers through my bed-ridden hair. "Wanna go back to bed?", she asked. I nodded and stood pulling her up with me. I began walking when she softly grabbed my wrist and got on her tiptoes and pulled me in for a soft kiss. "I don't know what your dream was about but just remember that I love you and I'm never gonna leave you okay?" I nodded and pulled her in for another kiss. This time she pulled away and ran her fingers through my hair once more and said, "Let's go to bed." I nodded and let her pull me into our bedroom.

She got into bed while I went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face and brush my teeth again. I went back into the room to see her shirtless in her white Calvins and scrolling on her phone. She noticed me watching her as she smiled, put her phone down and opened her arms to me. "Come here baby. I need my cuddles." I smiled at her and laid in her embrace. She kissed my cheek as I began to drift off before hearing "I love you."

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