Stomach Bug- C.F

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A/N: Yes I know I used this imagine already for my Riverdale book. I'm currently writing something that regards Sasha Banks, Charlotte Flair and the reader and that'll probably be up tomorrow depending on when I get done with practice. This is something to hold you guys over.

Charlotte woke up feeling Y/N jump out of bed, running into the bathroom and slamming the door. at first, The blonde thought nothing of it due to the fact that she often overslept because she hit the snooze button so often.
after listening for her to turn on the shower or the sink and not hearing anything, the blonde started to worry a little at the silence.
Charlotte got up from the bed and slid on a sweatshirt, making her way to the bathroom door and knocking on it.
"Y/N? is everything alright baby?" she asked, her voice gentle and soft.
"yeah... uh yeah... everything is fin— oh fuck." Y/N gagged, leaning over the toilet to throw up again.
as soon as she heard her gag, Charlotte opened the door and quickly made her way over to Y/N, her heart aching at the sight of her girlfriend. she was so pale and sweaty, her arms shaking as she held herself over the toilet seat. she looked over at the blonde, trying to give her a small smile to reassure you, but the small movement only made her groan and throw up again.
"oh baby." Charlotte whispered, grabbing two washcloths and wetting them with cool water. she crouched down on the floor next to her, pushing her hair back from her forehead and dabbing it with the cloth before laying the other one on the back of her neck.
"don't want you to get sick love." she mumbled, her hand reaching out to squeeze Charlotte's thigh, trying to reassure the blonde that she was okay.
"don't care about getting sick baby, just wanna take care of you like how you take care of me and everyone else. do you think you maybe picked up something from work?" Charlotte's mind was running wild, trying to determine where her girlfriend could have picked up the stomach bug from, making a mental list of everything that she was going to have to go out and get.
"love, really i'm– fucking hell– i'm fine." Y/N gagged, picking herself up and leaning against the bathroom counter. she was shaking as she tried to reach for her toothbrush to get the vile taste out of her mouth and she could feel Charlotte's eyes on her.
"nope, we're not doing this. you're not going to get out of me taking care of you the one time that you're sick just because you want to play the 'i'm a nurse so my immune system is higher than yours card." Charlotte placed her hands on her shoulders, giving them a light squeeze before helping Y/N back to bed.
She helped her lay down, grabbing one of Y/N's sweatshirts out of the drawers when she saw that she was shivering and helping her pull it over her head. The blonde propped up some pillows for her before pulling the covers over her, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"thank you love." Y/N mumbled, leaning up into the blonde's touch, her eyes fluttering closed at the intimate gesture.
"of course baby. you take care of everyone else all the time, so let me take care of you too okay? it's what i'm here for. now, i'm gonna place this trashcan next to you in case you feel sick again and i think we have some ginger ale or something like that in the cabinets. and oh i'm pretty sure we have some saltines and..." Charlotte's ranting was interrupted by Y/N grabbing her hand to get her attention.
"you can go get all that in a minute love. right now... right now all i want is for you to come get in bed and hold for a bit until i fall asleep. then you can go get me all of those things yeah?" her bottom lip was jutted out, batting her eyelashes as a small smirk formed on her face when she saw Charlotte caving.
"okay, okay. i'll lay down with you for a bit but then i'm gonna have to go get some medicine and all of that other stuff you need okay? gotta have my nurse feeling 100%." Charlotte giggled, placing a kiss to her forehead again before crawling behind her girlfriend and wrapping her arms around her waist.

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