Monsters roared at the distance . A bluish grey tom watched the monster pass , not showing any kind of fear of it . He moved slowly by the city he was already used to it . The day was dark and boring as always and his pads cause him pain after walking all day on those Thunderpaths. A strong wind crushed his fur , feeling relieved for it , but suddenly his ears prickle in alarm . The wind carried the scent of cats , the grey tom begun to walk cautiously but then he relaxed when he saw 2 cats walking towards him
"Ash , Moss !!" The gray tom padded towards them , the 2 cats ran after him , eyes wild and fur bristle .
" What's the matter ?" The grey tom asked when Ash and Moss exchanged a worried glance ." It's your father Shank ..." Moss , a dark grey she-cat meowed
Shank nodded towards Ash , as he picked anxiety on his eyes " What happened to him ?" He asked trying to sound calm .
" He ... " Ash begun but his words choked , he took a deep breath and then he nodded at Shank . " He is dead Shank ." He said at last .Shank's chest tightened as he knew Ash was looking down , sadness drowning him . His sister tried to comfort him but she looked up at Shank . "Bloodclan needs you Shank " she told him .
Moss moved her tail , Shank begun following her , anxiety flooding him . Silence took over the 3 cats while they ran back to Bloodclan .
"Do you know what happened to him ?" Shank asked in dismay trying to kill the silence among them . "Anyone knows yet Shank , he was found dead near a dark hallway " Ash growled .
" Everyone believes your dad was murdered " Moss said in a serious tone , looking under her shoulder back to Shank . Ash glared at his sister worried of what will happen next .Murdered!! Shank blinked in shock , he couldn't believe a cat like his dad was murdered . Anger flooded him and he unsheathed his claws while running . " If I found out who did this , they will pay" He growled . Suddenly the strange scent of cats took Shank's worries away . Bloodclan . Shank moved cautiously when worried and angry whispers were heard all around the place .
" What are we doing now !!" One cat said at the distance , fear in his voice .
" Without Falcon we will die !!" Another cat said .I understand them , they just lost their leader ... Shank saw a thin cat sitting on the highest point of the main rock. It was a old cat , with scratches all over his body and completely blind . When the tom felt Moss , Ash and Shank getting closer , he raised his tail to shut the rest of the cats . Anxiety raised among the cats when silence drowned the place .
" You are finally here Shank " the blind tom told him with his grumpy old voice , moving his tail .
" Sorry Volt , I was just looking for some prey for the clan near the outskirts of the city " Shank justified himself , moving his tail with anxiety when he sensed that many of the cats where looking at him . His collar begun to bother him but he tried to ignore it .Volt raised his chin coldly , rolling his blind eyes at Shank ,Volt told him to get next to him . Shank obeyed the old cat , Volt was Falcons best friend so Shank respected him . He walked cautiously and sat down , he blinked when he saw all the cats that were looking at both of them , all alarmed and worried of what will happen next . This is how a leader looks its clan , Shank thought but a deep snarl took his thought again .
" As we all know , when our leader dies their successor will take their place ." Volt meowed loud enough for all cats to listen . He coughed sometimes before continuing. " Shank is Falcon's son and it's now time for a strong warrior as him to become leader " he meowed looking proud of Shank , who raised his chin showing superiority over his clan ." Shank has trained quite hard, therefore he is worthy of the position of the leader. He has fought together with his clan and killed those who do not deserve to live with him. It's time for Shank to become a great leader." Volt said with a proud tone , looking at Bloodclan , all cats listening carefully to the old omega cat . " Falcon would be very happy for his son to take his place " he meowed .
City Of No Hearts // A Lost Soul story
FanfictionWant to discover what happened to the Lost child of the famous evil medicine cat Moonfrost ? Come and read this little book where you will discover how her son , Wolf , managed to survive on the dark city of no hearts .