Chapter 1 - Transformation

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Cuts and scars were what he was made of on the outside, but inside, was a broken soul, who knew nothing but anger, sadness, and hatred.

This boy was Y/n. Son of Taiyang Xiao Long, and Raven Branwen.

The child was seen as...different, from the rest of his siblings. The venomous black hair of his mother, yet the icy-cold blue eyes of his father, he was seen as a goat amongst the sheep.

His parents looked down on him, seeing him as good-for-nothing, and meek.

He was kicked around oftenly, whenever he did something wrong, or whenever his parents felt like it.

On the contrary, his twin, Yang, actually cared for Y/n, and so tended to him whenever their parents weren't around.

Then there was Ruby, his younger sister, who would sneak him cookies when his parents starved him for their sadistic satisfaction.

Then, was Qrow, who was like an actual father towards Y/n, and would often train him from time to time, to make up for the time that the latter would spend, locked away in his room.

Then finally, Summer, who was like a mother to him. It broke him to hear of her passing.

Though for Raven and Tai, though the latter did grieve for her also, they just made things a lot worse for him.

Beatings were more frequent and more severe; food and water were scarce, and it had started to take its toll not only on his body but also his mind.

And if you think that was bad, then try being locked into a room, no food or water, and having a searing hot knife - and other torture utensils, cut into your flesh, lacerating your body, down into the bone, for the next three years.

Well, I can say that three years after, Y/n finally lost it. He just...snapped. And like that, he...vanished from the house, no trace left behind.

His siblings mourned him, believing that he had died, but his uncle had sunk into a deep depression, drinking to forget, but still remembering.

~Line Break~

The scene is black, as footsteps and light crunching are heard, along with heavy breathing.

???: *pant, pant*

It opens to see the outline of a young boy running through the woods, as he looks back, and then forward, before collapsing onto the floor, groaning.

He continues to crawl until he is stopped by an older woman, who crouches down to him, the boy's eyes filled with tears.

???2: Oh my...are you alright, my child?

???: Please...I can't go back there, ever...

The boy said, before falling unconscious. The woman then took notice of the boy's scarred body, which started from the neck down, spreading to the rest of his body. In shock, she covered her mouth, as she went and picked up the boy, carrying him, as they went somewhere else.

~Line Break, In an Undisclosed Location~

The boy was lying down on a bed, his unconscious form which is now better seen. He had jet black hair which reached past his neck. When his eyes had opened, they were shown to be a dull blue colour.

The boy looked around him, and so sat up, having the wall support his back, revealing his attire, which consisted of a tattered black tee-shirt, along with white torn shorts.

He then turned to his right, which showed a woman, who had a tan complexion, chestnut brown hair, and amber-coloured eyes.

???: Who are you? W-Where am I? Why did you - *cough* bring me here?

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