4. Opia

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4. opia (noun) the ambiguous intensity or arousal of looking someone in the eye (from 'The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows')

To say that Ryan is definitely not used to hospitality on the west coast would be an understatement. Sure, people were nice enough to him, but no one was as generous as this group of artists from this obscure tattoo shop. He'd spent the whole day laughing and joking around with Patty and the rest of the group, who he was introduced to individually and was given the opportunity to watch each of them tattoo people.

Hayley and Tyler were relatively quiet people, focusing on their work and not really saying much as to not get distracted. They were incredibly nice, though, and had very warm, comforting smiles when they introduced themselves to Ryan. Josh, Dallon and Ashley were incredibly hilarious, always making jokes with each other and including Ryan as to make him feel more at ease. Dallon and Josh were the funniest, calling each other embarrassing pet names (their bromance was also absolutely hilarious) across the showroom floor and being over dramatic about any and everything that happened in the parlor. The other Ryan - Ryan Seaman - was very nice for Ryan to talk to. He just wanted to have conversations about music, books, movies, art - absolutely everything, and it made Ryan's head spin in a great way. He could already tell that the two of them would get along very well.

Sarah still wouldn't talk to him; she barely even looked at him. She would purposely bump shoulders with him while walking across the floor to different stations, would leave a station if Ryan appeared at it, and when Brendon had asked if anyone wanted to go home early for the night, she didn't say a word as she grabbed her things and stormed out of the door. He hoped they could see eye-to-eye at some point during his apprenticeship, especially if Brendon wanted to give him a permanent position at the shop after his apprenticeship was over.

At the end of the night, everyone packed up and cleaned their stations, gathering their personal tips and split tips from the front of the shop. Ryan stood awkwardly at the counter as everyone circled around and discussed what they were doing for the rest of the night and into the morning hours. It was only Tuesday, meaning the shop closed at eleven and they had the rest of the night to do whatever they wanted.

"I was thinking we all go to the Hibachi and watch me get drunk on saké," Ashley suggested, flashing a blinding smile as everyone laughed and agreed.

"Ryan," Hayley said softly, "you're more than welcome to join us, if you want to."

Ryan smiled and felt his chest flutter at their generosity. "Thank you for the invitation," he started sincerely, "but I think I should get home and go brush up on my techniques and gather everything for my portfolio to bring back in tomorrow."

They all nodded in understanding, and Dallon clapped a hand on his shoulder. "If you change your mind, the Hibachi is on Bleaker, right by the antique shop. You literally can't miss it."

Ryan nodded, waving as everyone bid their goodbyes and walked out of the shop. He sighed happily, gathering the rest of his things just as the back office opened and Brendon stepped out, smiling at him. "Everyone leave already?"

Ryan nodded, slipping his portfolio into his bag. "They're all going to the Hibachi," he said softly, looking up to see Brendon reapplying A&D to his new tattoo - Ryan's tattoo.

Brendon laughed, smoothing out the ointment on his arm before picking up his shoulder bag. "That's a normal thing," he said leisurely. "They do that at least twice a week. You didn't want to go with them?"

Ryan shook his head gently. "I've got some things I need to get ready for tomorrow," he said. "Besides, I'm still getting used to the city, and I'm sure I'd get lost trying to get back to my apartment from there."

Brendon laughed gently. "That makes sense," he said as he gathered his keys. "What street is your apartment on?"

"Right on the corner of Pine street," Ryan answered easily, following Brendon to the front door. "Not too far, but not exactly close either."

Brendon flipped off the lights and the two of them stepped out of the shop. "Oh," he replied. "My complex is like five blocks over from yours. That's not too far. Mind if I walk home with you?"

Ryan shook his head gently, subconsciously tightening his grip on his bag strap. "No, I don't mind."

Brendon nodded, locking the shop door before the two men set off in the direction of their homes. "So," Brendon started softly, "apart from wanting to tattoo people for a living, why Los Angeles? Of all places, why here?"

Ryan thought over the question as he walked next to Brendon, the scent of oncoming rain heavy in the air as he sighed through his nose. "I was raised in Vegas," he settled on. "Vegas is an ugly, ugly city, and I just wanted to get out of it. I honestly didn't care where I ended up, just as long as I got out of there. LA just seemed to be more convenient because it's the next state over, you know? Not too far away, so not too big of a change right away."

Brendon nodded, laughing softly. "Los Angeles isn't much prettier than Vegas, Ryan Ross," he said softly. "The only difference here is that there are actually places that have a beautiful ambiance about them, whereas, you know, all of Vegas is ugly."

Ryan nodded in understanding, keeping his eyes ahead of him. "But not all of LA is ugly."

Brendon smiled to himself. "Not all of LA is ugly.

The two men shared conversation for about thirty more minutes before a loud roar of thunder sounded from above them. They both laughed gently but quickened their steps as drops of water began to land in various spots around them. Not even three minutes later, the rain had started and turned into a wild cascade of falling water around them and they had started running in the direction of Ryan's apartment.

By the time they reached the covered walkway leading to the side entrance of the building, they were both drenched and laughing like idiots. Brendon shook out his hair like a dog and Ryan slung out his hands to rid his arms of the water gathered on them. "Well," Brendon said with a breathy laugh, "how was that for an adventure?"

Ryan laughed a little too loudly at Brendon's remark, the both of them falling into comfortable laughter as Ryan reached into his bag for his keys. "Thanks for walking me home," he said as his laughter died down a bit.

Brendon shook his head, droplets of water still falling from his hair. "Not a problem, Ryan Ross," he said softly. "Like I said, it was definitely an adventure."

Ryan laughed again - a soft, breathy sound falling from his lips as his head lifted slightly, his eyes making direct contact with Brendon's. There was an unsettling feeling of warmth in the pit of his stomach from making eye contact with Brendon, but he couldn't quite decipher what it was supposed to mean. The two men still had soft smiles etched onto their faces as they looked into one another for what seemed like ages before Brendon cleared his throat, shaking his head once again.

"I should get going," he whispered softly, voice still seeming too loud due to their close proximity. "You know, before this storm gets any worse."

Ryan nodded, the jerky movement making him realize that he wasn't really paying attention, his eyes still almost glued to Brendon's. "No, yeah, of course," he sputtered out quickly. "Wouldn't want you getting washed away in all of this."

"Oh, what a tragedy that would be," Brendon retorted with a soft smirk and playfully narrowed eyes, making Ryan laugh gently. "Goodnight, Ryan Ross."

Ryan smiled gently. "Goodnight, Brendon."

Brendon smiled once more before stepping from under the walkway, turning in the direction of his own apartment and started to jog away. Ryan watched him until he disappeared, smile still on his face as he pushed into his building, the only thing warm on his rain soaked body being his freshly tinted cheeks.

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