Safa turn back there is huge wolf rachana stutters
is he hot? Safa states with excitement
Jealously,Romance ,comedy ,anger, and two sexy ass ALPHAs .are you guys ready to fall in love with two fictional characters?
(A/N: you guys can imagine your...
When will you both just accept the fact that we are mates !" Namjoon growls out at both of the girls yet again earning an aggravated sigh from James. ""I'm so glad that I don't have to put up with this shit! I have my own room just down the hall so if you would all please keep your voices down then that would be perfect!" James states exiting the room and heading off to bed. All the three had already showered like planned borrowing some shirts and sweatpants from boys since they didn't actually bring anything to America with them basically just hoping for the best since they didn't really have much back home anyways. Namjoon and jungkook where now desperately trying to convince safa and rachana t8 share a room with them
With them which only meant that they had been arguing for over an hour since girls said no.. "Not happening ! This is just toosoon."(a/n: you are really like this perry) rachana states for the thirdtime glaring at a raging jungkook . " Well.. okay..I mean if there isn't enoughbedrooms for everyone then I don't mind taking one for the team.."safa buffs out acting as if it pains her to give in to namjoon when deep down I aise she knows that there's plenty of rooms in this mansion and that she secretly just wants to be with him(dam so me😂😂sorry the author us crazy asap). " safa there are four floor in this place! There's plenty of bedrooms for she of Scotland to come visit!" Rachana states not understanding why she had suddenly given to namjoon's pleading . " fins !Well I guess the truth is that I just want to share a room with him! The company would be nice that's all" safa trails off becoming flustered while admitting that she would rather share a bed with namjoon than sleep alone. And namjoon smiles thinking that good at least she wants me too and then jungkook turns over rachana. " why are you being so difficult?" Jungkook mutters in anger causing rachana to shake her head at him in disbelief. " I've only just met you jungkook! You've strangled me in the space of 24hr and You've also took a tantrum in car on the way here! I'm not just going to jump into bed with you and play happy family! Rachana rages at him seeing a slight bit of understanding wash over his face" " Yes yes she is right namjoon handled me with care I mean he was pissed but he didn't attack me neither tried to kill me just like you did to rachana " safa huffs " fine but I'm putting you in the roo. Directly opposite mine..But might I just add.. the bed is lit smaller than mine,the bathroom is also lot smaller compared to mine,the tv is also way to smaller then mine....Oh! And let's not mention the fact that you'll have a shit sleep without me since we are mates after all." Jungkook states walking off smugly in the direction of the two rooms with rachana following right behind him in a rage. In between that namjoon was happy that safa has no problem in sharing bed and room with him and he snakes his hands on her waist where he was wrong she slapped his hands off 😂🤣🤣. " okay if you need anything you know where I'm " Jungkook winks at her closing her bedroom and they exit leaving her standing alone in bedroom regretting her decision. The sad part was ..she missed him already.altboyght rachana had disagreed with safa's decision to share a room with namjoon so soon..she envied her boldness at the same time well well safa being safa she can't be normal 😒😒she always dreamed about such werewolf hot guys finally she got 1 why would she stay away.
Safa was way too chilled out unlike rachana who was constantly in edge and over thinking every detail. I mean sure he strangled her earlier but the guy just has a bit of bad temper right? I doubt he would do it again.especiallyduring her sleep. She sighed climbing under soft covers as she rested her head in the pillow expecting to fall into blissful sleep almost instantly after the long day that she had encountered.. But no then minutes passed ,thirtyminutes passed an hour passed " shit! Rachana grits our in aggravation continuing to toss and turn around in the bed like a beached whale. Why she couldn't sleep? Just like junfiok had promised she couldn't sleep a wink since her thoughts were now focused on her mate only being in the next room without her.just as jungkook had sensed her discomfort the door suddenly crwakes open revealing a bed headed half naked alpha in the doorway "Well princess I'm right across the hakk and I don't judge you if you join me" he signs our eventually dropping his sarcastic time and allowing rachana to hear the desperation in his voice as he spoke. "I'm good " the stubborn rachana however continues to keep her guard up as she refuses to turn back and see the defeated expression on his face which she knew would be there. " this is harder for me by the war! Just remember that.. " Jungkook sighs out yet again obvisoulsy referring to their mate bond and having to stay away from his mate who was right across the hall. He closes the door softly knowing that rachana wasn't going to answer him.further as he left her in room speechless. Rachana lays there for further 15min allowing the guilt to settle in as she replayed his words. "This is harder for mee by the way!just remember that..." She imagined him tossing and turning in his bed just like she was but only a kit worse. She even imagined his desperate self pacing the room in aggravation hoping that that she would change her mind eventually to let him get some sleep with her by his side. Although the room was fairly heated she still felt cold and alone without jungkook.she began to think of how generous he was actually being with this whole situation..she would have expected for him to try and force her into sharing his bed but he actually surprised her by giving her some space like she had wanted well but really wanted but she had asked for this.
Rachaa let's out frustrated growl turning for last time final time before she gave up and goes in his room. " Jungkook " rachana whispered over to him in dark room not wanting to alarm him with her sudden presence. The second that he heard her soft voice he leapt to his feet in shock before going to her in rush to embrace her in a tight hug.
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"I'm so glad you came in here!" This was horrible rachana! I was beginning to hate myself." Jungkook said silently causing rachana to push at his chest slightly to find them both some space. "Hate yourself ?Why were you starting to hate yourself?" Rachana questions looking at his soft eyes like he was now completely different person from jungkook she had first met. " I tried to strangled you..which I'm so sorry by the way! And top of all off I keep telling at you.. I just can't control my temper I've never had a girl in my life rachana " he admits looking close to crying something that she never expected to see from him. She stares at him briefly taking in his every emotion as he stares at her back with hope of forgiveness. "I forgive you" let's start fresh now that I have see that your not just heartless rachana laughs causing him to grin at the idea. "Heartless!?? I brought you chocolates earlier and watched vampire dairies with you though I hate vampires "he defends causing rachana to laugh
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" let's just get some sleep and we can have fresh start from tomorrow ..night my princess " Jungkook yawns out and turning off the lights and snuggling up behind his warm mate in content. " night jungkook... a fresh start tmr sounds good" rachana mumbles already half sleep as two sigh in happiness at being close for night finally able to get a well deserved rest.
To be continued..........
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