Safa turn back there is huge wolf rachana stutters
is he hot? Safa states with excitement
Jealously,Romance ,comedy ,anger, and two sexy ass ALPHAs .are you guys ready to fall in love with two fictional characters?
(A/N: you guys can imagine your...
It was now late at night with safa still locked away in her room and James still out in hall and with rachana passed out on jungkook's bed... Namjoon had tried 3 times to get into the room to see safa but the 1 time that he had actually managed to last James,it still didn't go well since he was only met with a tv remote being tossed at his head causing him to leave. James even managed to sneak safa up some food when he had heard them both go our for a while. Jungkook had said something to James about them going to deal with some rogues or some shit like that but he didn't really care... he was just glad to finally steal some food for them to ear for the day! Rachana's room door had been locked just before jungkook had left, stopping James from going in to check on her... He heard some muffled yells earlier but he knew that rachana could handle her own arguments so he didn't bother to interfere. Hours had now passed however and the fact that jungkook had strangely kept checking up on rachana I'm the room every ten minutes after the arugument had caused James to grow slightly curious as to what was wrong... He gave safa in some pizza from down stairs before he attempted to pick the lock to Jungkook's room door in order to see rachana. 15 min soon passed Nd James was getting nowhere ..He had even taken a pin from safa's hairs in attempts to now pick the lock which wasn't seeming to work well either... As he crouched down, picking and twisting at the locked door, he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by the bellowing voice of jungkook who of course had to catch him in the act! James turned to see both namjoon and jungkook now shirtless and covered in blood and sweat.. "Uhhh..did you guys have fun killing those rougues then?"James asks nervously,standing back up to his feet away from jungkook 's door forcing outa laugh as he backs away from crazy looking boys before him. " your just causing us more hassle!" Jungkook barks at him as the 2 begins to at All towards him down the hall. Don't blame me for you both being shitty boyfriends! James snaps back, suddenly gaininnibg back his confidence as he doesn't like being walked over.
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"Don't try to break into my room again!" Jungkook snaps once he gets to the door. " Don't try to hide my best friend from me then! I know you've fucked up and that's why your hiding her! You better hope that she's not dead or I swear you in for it!" James retaliates.
"I wouldn't kill her!" Jungkook snaps out nervously with James noticing the guilt washing over his face. " hmmm..' James mutters, jungkook quickly unlocks his doors and goes into the room leaving both James and namjoon now alone
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Listen namjoon...James sighs out, preparing to tell him for the 50th time today that safa does not want to see him tonight , but he looks cute him off.. "I know that she doesn't want to see me tonight but can you at least give her this letter ..I mean I tried texting her but her I saw that she smashed up her mob earlier so I guess that won't work now..I'm just making things worse by forcing myself in there so I'll give her some space until she wants to talk to me.." Namjoon states calmly , surprising James with his sudden change in attitude. " well this isn't the 1920s but I guess I can pass on your letter.. James states in a mocking tone, causing namjoon to roll his eyes and hand him the piece of paper He walks off down the hall, leaving James curious as to what the piece of paper actually says.. Before his body eyes can even gets the chance to look over the letter, safa's door suddenly swings open causing him to freeze.
"Done even think about opening That! I was listening in through the key hole by the eat! But I'm.still mad at him !" Safa buffs out like a stubborn child before snatching the letter from James grip and slamming the door shut once again. James shrugs and let's our a tired yawn,deciding that since the previous nights sleep hadn't worked out too well then he best try again tonight. He trudged his way back down the stairs to where his room was located,deciding that it was safe now since namjoon was no longer planning on bothering safa anymore tonight. Good thing too since he was getting fed up of sitting out there!
James fiddled with his phone ,not watching where he was going when suddenly he bumped into solid chest,knocking him backwards and onto the floor as he stared up in rage to be met with most handsome face towering over him... This won't be good ******************safa's pov********* I heard his calm soothing voice talking to James from our in the hallway and I couldn't help but listen in from the door... He sounded so depressed and when I heard him talking to James so calmly I was shocked .He was probably hoping to convince him to give me the letter .... Had he actually written ne a letter though? I couldn't help but laugh at first at the idea of him sitting and writing a letter but I guess it's actually quite cute since he's resorted to this idea in an attempt to apologise still.
I was still pissed off through.. I felt like he had cheated in me despite the fact that thus was few months ago...He haas also said that it's had been with the pack smut...basically the easiest girl to sleep with around here..all I could think about at first was "that bitch will be dead if I ever meet her" and I mean that. He looked so hurt when he had told me truth. He has asked to mark me last night. And he expla8ned that I would want to sleep with him fully within the space of few days since the mate bond would be too strong. He asked if I would be ready for that commitment..And I agreed shyly before asking him if he was also ready since I assumed that he was a virgin too. The look on his face told me everything ,I knew from the guilty look in his eyes that he had already slept with someone but I just wanted to hear him say it... I hoped that he would tell me it was all a lie but he never... When he admitted it,I swear I felt a bit of my heart crack in my chest and I couldn't bare the sight of him,hence why I came here looking for rachana. i assumed that she must have finally gone into jungkook's room when I got here so I decided tobwaur until morning to tell any9ne .I spent the whole night crying at what he had done...but a part of me wants to forgive him since maybe he had actually lost all hope of finding his mate..
I sat on the edge of the bed nervously before finally opening up the nearly folded letter...why I was nervous? I don't know? Maybe becoz we I had never received a letter from a boy before... I had butterfly in the a way despite the fact I was mad at him.
Dear Safa, Princess,Ican't apologise enough for last night....Ibroke your heart on the first night we spent together and Idon'tthinkI'll ever forgivemyself for that . All I hope is that you'll give me another chancetomakethings right... No more hurt or pain I promise ! I had honestly lost all hope of finding my mate and Ijust wanted something to take my mind away from the sadness and nowthatI have you I've never regretted something so much in all my life! Please forgive me nothing more than for you to be happy...she meantnothing to me but you are my world ..please talk to me soonwhenyou're ready ... Love Kim namjoon
By the end of reading the letter my eyes were puffy and swollen from the tears.. I wanted to run into his room and cuddle with him until we fell asleep together,but a part of me was still way too hurt to go back that easily.... I had to keep away from him in order to let myself calm down and process the whole thing before I could forgive him properly ... but I mean ,this amazing letter was a start..let's just say I don't hate him as much anymore....
To be continued........ Hey everyone, Please vote andcomment what u feel what will safa do next? And will rachana forgive jungkook for ruinning her beautiful face with hard punch?