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I wonder  where the hell this pizza place is.... why are they taking forever?" Safa complains as they start to search for a movie watch.
" They left 15minutes ago safa..." James states ,causing safa to punch his arm playfully.
"15min has been too long! I've been starving for hours!" She complains further,being ignored by the other two.

They sat in silence not liking most of the movies that James was picking out so far as they waited for the boys to get back with pizza.
" those cells are disgusting by the way! They ought to give them a right good scrub..!" James suddenly states causing 2 girls to burst out with laughter at his random comment.

" laugh all you want...at least you both mates that like you!" He scowls at them as he continues to flick through the horror section on Netflix.

I'm pretty sure namjoon hates me now! He wasn't very happy with little prank at all..." safa states as rachana continues to laugh at them both.
"Well I did tell you that cutting holes in his trousers was too far! James laughs slightly at her dumb idea.

" yeah ! And I told you writing across his bedroom door with black marker was also too far! At least rachana and I used sauce that could be wiped away!" Safa argues back as rachana tries desperately to hold in her laugh at them both.

" You were the one that gave me the fucking marker!" James states as rachana let's out a loud laugh knowing that he was right and that safa did actually convince him to use the pen instead.

" yeah laugh all you want rachana! At least your only one here that didn't get shit for what you done!" Safa suddenly turns on rachana causing her to almost choke at the sudden involvement.

" he tossed me on the bed and covered me in tomato sauce! I thik that's punishment enough considering I hate the stuff!" Rachana argues her side but deep down she knows that she was let off way easier the other two.
Rachana didn't really do much harm with her prank though ..She ruined a few Jungkook s expensive clothes but that was basically it.

"Yeah! But I bet that's not the only thing he gave you as a punishment in that bed...'James sniggers as safa let's out a snorted laugh at his snide remark.

But just before the argument could continued further,the door bell rang out, causing safa to leap up from excitement.

"Pizza!" She squeals as rachana and James glance at each other warily.
"It's not pizza safa....." James states as if it's completely obvious earning a growl from her.
"What do you mean?" She cries out in annoyance .

"What do you mean?" She cries out in annoyance

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"Well boys are away out to collect the pizza..why would they ring the door to their own house?" Rachana explains as safa rolls her eyes once the door bell rings again.

"Fine!" I'll go get it...She buffs out as two follow her out closely wary of the fact that it could he murderer or another crazy wolf Vincent.

Safa's pov
As I approached the door I can't help but already feel angry at the fact that the boys weren't back with the pizza yet and that whoever this was... was only here to piss me off some more!
Just as I'm about to reach out for door handle the door bell rings our once again for 3rd time causing me to swing the door open in a rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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