Third Wheel

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Prompt #3- Third wheel: Orm didn't really approve of them. He has known Gerda for years and thinks of her as one of his closest friends, on a brotherly or even fatherly level. From the start he never liked Rollan especially after what happened with the wishing stone. But Rollan made her happy so he would support it. Sadly him supporting and helping is only making things worse


AN: Hello lovey readers, this is the first request prompt. This is from Mermaid Steve on, they wished for Orm to be an annoying third wheel that keeps messing things up but isn't trying to. I like this idea and Orm is hilarious so I just had to write this. Though I have an honest question for anyone who has seen the movies, which voice of his do you think is the best? I personally liked his voice from the first movie it was perfect, does anyone agree or am I just crazy. Plus during the third movie he didn't seem to be the biggest fan of Rollan, and when his Grandma thought Gerda and Rollan were together he looked annoyed. Also I was considering doing this to Kai and Alfida since Mermaid Steve hasn't seen the third movie and doesn't know anything about Rollan, but I thought it would be more amusing this way since Orm doesn't seem to like Rollan as much as previously stated. But Mermaid Steve if you wish for me to do one to another couple and one you know notify my and I will do my best. Remember that I will take requests, just comment or message me and I will be more than happy to. And if you want the prompt to be called something specific let me know. This also takes place a few months after the fourth movie I am deciding, probably for the best. Without further ado, on with the show.


"Seriously Orm, what were you thinking!?" Gerda questioned loudly at the troll, he doing his best to cover his ears as they were much more sensitive than a human's and the blonde was currently breaking his ear drums.

"It was an accident, I didn't mean to. Honest!" Orm insisted looking extremely nervous, the girl looking as if she didn't believe him.

"Sure, you just happened to make the wagon go when Rollan's foot was in front of it." Gerda replied with venom in her voice, putting air quotes around happened.

Orm really didn't mean to make the caravan run over Rollan's foot, he wasn't even supposed to be with them at the time. What happened was he had been walking with his Grandmother around the village, just spending quality time with her. She had grown tired so they decided to stop for a moment so she could rest when Gerda and Rollan passed them in Broseph's(The hippie troll, I have no idea if he actually has a name so I decided to give him one and thought it would suit him well) wagon caravan, the pair on their way to a picnic they had planned.

They have been going out for nearly three months at this point. After everything that happened with King and the mirror, Rollan and Gerda have grown closer and become an official couple. Just about everyone knew this would happen, it was quite obvious the two liked each other for so long, but it was still surprising. Those who knew of the Fire King incident especially surprised by it with Rollan's betrayal and with how easily Gerda seemed to forgive the boy. Her parents had heard of what happened and were slightly surprised themselves but did approve of the boy, happy he made their daughter happy. Kai was a tougher case, he never liked Rollan and still disapproved of him, but couldn't do anything to stop their relationship. Rollan has tried on many occasions to befriend the young artists but those attempts seem to be in vain, though lately Kai has been shooting the spaniard less evil looks than when he first started hanging around. Alfida didn't like him much easier, but they seemed to be on good terms and she has barely tried or threatened to kill him as time has gone on.

Orm had to be the one to disapprove of Rollan the most. He had known Rollan for a while before he had become evil and honestly didn't see it coming. Rollan seemed like a nice enough guy, kind of annoying at times but otherwise fine. When Gerda and Rollan met, he-along with everyone else in the room-could tell they liked each other. He wasn't the biggest fan of the idea but not completely against it at the same time. After everything that happened with the wishing stone and the fire king, he thought Rollan dead along with everyone else and personally happy about that. With him tricking, and using them all he was honestly surprised, he knew how into supers and legends Rollan was, but actually so much that he became evil was unthinkable. When they found him during everything with King Harold they were all surprised to see him again, thinking he had died when he went into the lake. And despite everything he helped them all to bring everyone back from the mirrorlands, earning Gerda's forgiveness in the process.

Orm never had that high of an opinion of the spaniard, and with everything that happened he has come to the point of tolerating him for the sake of Gerda. He made Gerda happy and Orm ever since there first adventure has wanted Gerda to be happy, which Rollan made happen.

Rollan has done anything and everything to make up for what he has done, from simple tasks to outrageous objectives-these mostly given by Kai and Orm with Alfida suggesting one occasionally. They all must admit he surely is trying his hardest, they gotta give him that but they still are rather weary of him.

The incident that lead up to their current argument started with the couple offering the two trolls a ride, Hedwig perfectly cool with it dropping off the couple first then taking Orm and his Grandmother where they wanted. Rollan had actually been the one to suggest it with Gerda begrudgingly agreeing as well. The ride had been fine for the first couple of minutes, Orm glaring at Rollan who in turned smile, albeit nervously, Gerda and Rosa conversing about this and that. Though that all came to a halt when one of the front wheels popped off suddenly, bringing the wagon to a halt. Everyone got off, Hedwig fixing it with Rollan's help and had Orm sit at the reins so one it was prepared they could make sure it stuck, the females standing idly by. Once the wheel was fixed and Orm got the go ahead he started to go, but he did it before Rollan moved and ran over his foot not once, but twice.

The date had to be cancelled as they need to take Rollan to see a doctor, that reported Rollan's foot luckily wasn't broken but simply had a good bone bruise and should stay off it for a couple days. Gerda was glad her boyfriend only had a bruised foot, but that doesn't mean she isn't upset at the troll who ran it over. That brought them to this argument in the hall outside Rollan's room where he is currently resting.

"It really was an accident. I thought they were out of the way, he should have said something!" Orm defended, Gerda only huffing.

"Orm, you always do this! Find some way to ruin my date's with Rollan, and I know how much you don't like him, so do you really expect me to believe you didn't mean it?!" She shouted, panting once done

She had a point, and he knew it. It seemed that in most cases when they had a date planned he ruined it in someway, tagging along and becoming the third wheel. At first Gerda understood why he was there, with what happened before with Rollan he was looking out for her and she did appreciate that. But he kept doing it on all but a few of the dates. And it wasn't him just tagging along, he found some way to make a mess of things. On one date he accidentally pushed Rollan into a lake, on another he nearly made Gerda choke to death on her dinner and while giving her the heimlich made her spit her food onto Rollan, the date before the present one Orm had his nephews with him and they used Rollan as a jungle gym. The list goes on from there.

"I'm sorry, I really am." Orm apologized again, hanging his head in shame. "Look, I know I have been a lousy friend lately, but I'm just worried about you. I remember how much he hurt you before and don't want that to happen again. The first few times I admit were intentional, but now it really is all just dumb luck crashing your dates." He added, looking back up at the girl who had her arms crossed and a stern look.

"And crushing his foot?" She inputted, causing both to chuckle lightly for a second.

"Yea, can you forgive me?" He pleaded, rubbing his neck nervously, his first response back was a hug from the girl.

"Yeah, as long as you promise, no more date crashing."

"I promise, no more intentional date crashing." He joked, only getting an eyebrow raise from the girl. "What, can't help it if happens accidentally."

"Fair." She conceded with a head shake, getting back up. "I'm gonna check on him."

"Tell him I'm sorry and hope he gets better soon." He replied, watching as his friend went to check on her boyfriend.


AN: I won't lie I had trouble writing this at first but Mermaid Steve helped me and we have this! Thank you for your help and the request, I hope you enjoyed this. This is much later in the day than I thought it would be for me but still within day 3 of this year so that's good. Remember I am more than happy to take requests and find it interesting what you as my fans want from these one-shots. The next one will be more of a drabble kind of, Gerda being protective of her man. Until then, enjoy and have a snowy day!

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