Ice skating

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Prompt #6- Ice skating: She didn't know how to skate, never learned. Growing up in an orphanage it wasn't a skill she need or really thought about, until now that is. With him holding a skate up to her asking if she knew.


AN: Hello lovey readers, this prompt is from the scene of the movie in which they skate over Lake Gao which I think we can all agree is super adorable no matter how mad at Rollan we are. I honestly love all the scenes of these two from the movie-except the betrayal of course-so this is basically more in depth of the scene. I kinda did this as well in my rewrite of the third movie, but with that my two oc's were with them. Am I the only one that found it interesting that Rollan had two pairs of skates, and if you notice they are different kinds of skates which is very interesting. Just something I noticed while watching the scene to get it as right as I could. Without further ado, on with the show.


They approached to bridge to cross Lake Gao and reach the temple, from here it would be a cake walk which both were happy about. The sooner they got to the wishing stone the sooner they both can get their families back. Of course they were still in the forbidden area, and just like on there way so far they had to make sure they didn't get caught by any guards. Before they crossed they noticed something on the other side and hurried to hide behind a light post. It was a good thing they did so as it was two guards crossing the bridge. They were too busy talking and joking with one another so they could have hidden and waited for them to pass, but Rollan noticed a staircase leading to the lake right near their hiding spot. He turned his head to his companion and used it to motion to the stairwell, she nodding in understanding.

Rollan made his way to the stairwell first, Gerda following closely behind. As Rollan started down he noticed it was slightly icy and rather high up, he extended his right hand to her, she blushed lightly at the gesture, placed her left hand in his opened one, and they made their way down the staircase. The guards were indeed too busy chatting with another to notices the teens even as they walked past overhead. Once the pair finally reached the bottom of the stairwell, they let go of one another's grip-albeit reluctantly-Rollan sitting at the edge of the lake taking his bag off getting something out of it as Gerda just stood and watched in curiosity. He pulled out two pairs of ice skates from his bag, setting one beside him and started to put one of the skates on. Gerda watched in fascination, she may have been around cold weather all her life but never learned to skate, never even really thought about it. And somehow someone who grew up in much warmer climates knew and even owned not one but two pairs, it was just surprising her. Once down he was done, he grabbed one of the skates from the other pair and looked to the girl.

"Do you know how to, ice skate?" He asked as he held up the skate, gentle smile upon his face.

"No." She revealed with shrug. It may have been her imagination but she thought his smile got slightly wider.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." He assured, patting on the ground next to him to tell her to sit next to him, she doing so. He handed the skates over to her so she could inspect them before actually putting them on.

"Just slip the front of your foot under the front straps, tighten them to make sure the skate actually stays on, set the back strap so it rests on the back of your foot. Tighten that as well." He instructed to her, she nodding in understanding. She did as instructed in slipping her foot in the front first and did that with bot skates then deciding to tighten them as they were a little big on her. The back straps were easy enough to tighten, but the ones around her toes weren't doing so, she actually making it looser. Rollan let out a small chuckle to himself as Gerda groaned in frustration, she glaring as he got up only to skate in front of her and kneel.

"Allow me?" He asked looking up at her, her gaze softening from the tense glare. She did retract her hands from her feet, Rollan now tightening the straps himself and with ease. She particularly didn't like have others do things for her so as to not bother them, but she couldn't help but smile as Rollan finished and looked up with a grin of his own.

"There, now you don't have to worry about them coming off." He assured as he gently took her hands as he stood, lifting her up with him. She let out a gasp as her ankles turned under her, having trouble keeping up right and probably would have fallen if Rollan wasn't holding her up.

"Keep your ankles straight and slid your feet forward to go. You'll do fine, ready?" He instructed with his question at the end, she nodding her head feeling somewhat ready but still rather nervous. He pulled her away from the edge, got behind her and gave her a gentle push sending her off, following and quickly got to her side to skate next to her.

Gerda was honestly doing quite horrible. She had hard time keeping her balance, her arms flailing about as she did her best to not fall, her feet kept coming up from the ice more akin to walking on it than skating. Rollan gently took her hand after a moment to help her, she nearly lost her balance once more but him holding her hand kept her up and steady. They looked at one another sharing wide smiles between them, enjoying this activity together. Rollan started skating a little faster, dragging Gerda with him for a second before letting go of her hand, they skated apart and for a moment she did fine on her own. But that only lasted for a moment as she once more started to lose her balance.

Rollan heard her let out a "woah" of surprise and turned himself around to see her coming towards him. She was so fast she couldn't stop and ran into him with her hands landing on his chest and nearly fell down but was kept up from Rollan's hands at her waist. They skated like that for a few seconds, her holding onto him with her legs bent a fair amount, he bent at the knees and holding onto her while look at her. He stopped them and she was able to stand back up, when she did her eyes caught his lips and she couldn't help but stare for a moment, only a few inches away, so close and so kissable, but perhaps not the best idea. They had just met and were on a very important mission, now was not the time to be having these thoughts. Little did she know he was having the exact same thoughts of wishing to kiss her but knew now wasn't the time. They looked away from their each other's lips at the same time and into one another's eyes, Gerda surprised by how gentle of a gaze he had on her. She looked away with a blush and a bright smile, Rollan's small smile growing at this. They then turned to be next to each other again, taking hands and skating to the other side of the lake, from where they skated if one looked at it they would notice a heart made into the ice.

When they made it to the other side of the lake they sat down in the snow to take their skates off. When Gerda finished she handed them to Rollan who put them and his own skates back into his back and slinging it over him.

"That was fun, thank you for teaching me." She spoke, making the boy look at her, they exchanged happy smiles.

"It was my pleasure." He replied getting up, holding out a hand to help her up, she accepting and pulling herself up. "Perhaps after all of this, we can skate together again."

"I would love that." She agreed at the proposal, they then made their way up the staircase to the temple, happy they were closer to their goal and had essentially promised that after all this they would see each other again.


AN: I love this, it is just so cute. I thought it would be fun to include him actually teaching him since it wasn't in the movie and when they got to the other side of the lake as just a cute little extra. Also for those who have seen the english dubbed of it, I don't know if Rollan's voice actor bothers anyone else. It's not that he bothers me per say, my gripe is that the voice actor DOESN'T SOUND SPANISH! Rollan is supposed to be a spaniard so he should have a spanish accent which this guy barely has. Also side note of something I realized that has to do with my prompt second thoughts, in that I said Rollan travelled by boat and went to Russia but thinking would it have been faster for him to go on land then water? I am not sure, just came to me as I was writing this author's note. Reminder elaborations of prompts are welcomed just wish to know if people want them and requests I am happy to do just gotta know what you all want. The next prompt will be an au involving pizza and mix ups. Enjoy and have a snowy day, continue reading!!

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