Protecting the girl

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Prompt #5- Protect the girl: He has made mistakes in the past, unforgivable mistakes he would regret for the rest of his life even if he couldn't remember some of them. He knew it would take his entire life, possibly longer to make up for his sins. But he would start now, doing everything in his power to protect the girl he loves but sadly failed before.


AN: Hello lovey readers, this is the companion piece to Protecting the guy, but can be read separately, the theme is the same just switched for the narrative. Much like the other one this will take from the fourth movie as well, especially with how much they protect each other in it, IT'S SO CUTE! Now I have seen the movie, but not in english as stated before and have only been able to translate a little and follow a vk page that has slightly put some scenes in their posts with lines from the movie. And from what I have gathered, Rollan has no memory of being the evil fire king, including leaving Gerda in a lake of lava which I am thankful for and correct in thinking he wasn't in control at that point. Though I don't know how much he doesn't remember, I think he has all his memories up until Gerda gave up her powers but can't confirm this, if anyone knows inform me please because I am rather curious. For the purposes of this one shot, at the point of Gerda becoming normal again is when he doesn't remember anything. Also I probably should have put this in the other one-shot but since this is centered around the fourth movie spoilers ahead. Without further ado, on with the show.


Rollan is very passionate about what he believes and when he sets his mind on something he is determined to complete it. When it came to becoming a legend he was extremely confident he could make it a reality, especially when learning about trolls and meeting them. When he met Gerda, that dream turned into a true reality for not only meeting a legend but that she might be able to help him become one himself. The adventure he went on with her was truly amazing to him, amazing to experience just what heroes had to go through to become one. When it came to giving up his powers, he was extremely reluctant and wished to keep them which lead him to taking his hand off the stone as Gerda spoke the incantation. But after that, nothing. He couldn't remember anything and it was all a black haze to him.

The next time he awoke, he was rather disoriented and unsure of what was happening. It took him a moment to realize he was on a ship flying through the air, he exited the cabin and saw his friends on the ship and was rather surprised. Something even more surprising was Gerda headbutting him in the nose and saying to drop him off. Everyone then started yelling at him for being a traitor and a lier, Orm even accusing him of leaving Gerda to burn in a lake of lava. He explained that he didn't remember anything about what they were talking about, they didn't seem to believe him.

It was hard for him to believe what they were saying, that he had become a villain. He has always wanted to be a legend, a hero. But it seems that isn't what happened. In the short time he was able to gather that their current quest is to save Gerda's parents and others from King Harold apparently. He was still rather disoriented about everything going on but one thing was made clear to him, he had to make up for his mistakes even though he doesn't remember them. It broke his heart when Gerda confirmed he did leave her to die in lava, but when the roles were reversed she jumped into action and save him, that made him feel much worse. She was nothing but kind to him and he left her to die by his own making. He had betrayed her and hurt her, and she still saved him.

With that he realized that was just the kind of person Gerda was, truly selfless and wishes to help others. Even those who have wronged her and hurt her. Despite all he did she still allowed him to help her, she did make clear she may never forgive him but he understood and deserved it. He didn't deserve her forgiveness but would do what he needed to in order to regain her trust and respect, and maybe one day her forgiveness. She deserved to be happy and be with her family, he wanted that so badly for her. He failed before to protect her being the one to hurt her, but now was his chance to make up for what he did and be a better man. And that all started with helping her to save her parents. Sadly that was a task much easier said than done, even with the magic orb that aloud the mirror to open to everyone.

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