Wamwesia - Calum Hood Smut

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I couldn't sleep, it had been hard lately for me to get any rest, too many memories. The past for me was all too vivid, the way she used to smile at me when she was shy, and the way her voice used to crack when she got nervous when I would kiss her. I rolled over and looked at my phone, the time read 12:52, of course, I sure as hell wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep now. A sigh escaped my lips and I stood up from where I was rested on my bed grabbing a pair of jeans as I stood on and sliding into them carefully.


The drive to the bank of the river was a lot faster than I expected, it was easy to navigate the winding roads that her and I used to travel. It was almost as if I could feel her hand on my knee again, the way it had been the night I lost the girl I loved. I got to the banks and saw a truck at the ledge, I parked and it wasn't until I stepped out of my car onto the cool soil that I noticed a girl sitting on the back of the truck.

She was calm, her features light and the light brown hair caressed her cheeks even in the moonlight. I found myself staring at her, my brown eyes fixed on the figure before me, something about her calling my name like an angel calling it's child home.

I had to shake the thought from my head, angels singing for their children only brought one thing to my mind, her.

The girl on the car looked over at me, and it wasn't until she spoke that I realized the light sobs coming from my own body.

"You okay, kid?" She asked, her voice not like I expected, beautiful but raspy, enough to make my knees go weak that they hadn't in a long time.

I nodded my response at her and slowly approached, not quite sure where I was going with this but letting my impulses win. "Yeah, I'm good, just memories that's all."

I couldn't see much of her, but from the moon shining above us I could see her eyebrows furrow, if not in confusion in concern. She moved over from where she was seated and patted the spot next to her, "name's Y/n, sit here and we can remember shit together."

I laughed at her words, something about them making me feel a bit lighter and relaxed in the moment. "I'm Calum," I responded softly, sitting down next to her on the tailgate of the small truck.

She was watching me now, her eyes carefully studying me, "what do you remember?"

I forced a chuckle, hoping it didn't make me sound psycho or morbid, "this girl, we used to come here all the time and drink and just laugh." I paused a moment before continuing, unsure of why I was telling one of my most personal stories to a stranger. I let out a breath before continuing, willing myself to go on from the pit of my soul, "I lost her a couple months ago, she left, and she never came back, we were fighting and then she was gone. She was crying and she walked out of the door and the next thing I know I'm told she's never coming back."

My voice cracked at the end of my words, I didn't like thinking about the past much, and this girl next to me, she was something else.

She moved closer slowly and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, "I'm sorry.."

Her voice was so low, so soft, like a whisper of wind flowing through the quietness of an enchanted forrest. I closed my eyes, only for a moment to gather the nerve to do what I was about to do. I leaned in, for that moment I didn't care that this girl was a stranger, and I pressed my lips softly against hers.

I could taste a hint of something on her lips, she had been smoking something and it was intoxicating. I leaned back on the bed of the truck, pulling her on top of me, letting the moment consume me. Her legs went to either sides of my hips, my hands moving to her thighs automatically.

"The view down here is remarkable," I smirked, sliding my hands upward under her shirt and rubbing gently on the skin. She leaned down, her soft lips pressing against my own and her hips grinding down against my own.

My hands moved to her ass and she moaned against my lips, "are you gonna fuck me or do you just want me to dry hump you all night?"

My breath hitched in my throat and I smirked, biting her bottom lip and pulling it back a bit with my teeth.

"Ride me," I whispered, moving my hands to my belt buckle, undoing it. My hands moved to the button of my jeans but were soon interrupted by her delicate hands.

She smirked, sitting up on me and pulling my jeans down my legs. "I don't like when people do my job."

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