The Date

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*Storm's POV :-)*

As soon as Siri came over to me I immediately began apologizing. "Siri I.....", but then I was immediately stopped by him kissing me! Sadly it was short lived and I wanted it to actually last longer than it did. "Siri......" "Just stop trying to apologize already and kiss me!", he said as we kissed longer "Yay! Is everything fi..... EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!", my sister screamed as she ran back in the Great Hall. "Gosh, I don't know if I should feel bad for that or continue laughing like this", I said between laughs after we had broken away from our kiss. "Would you like to go taunt her with this some more?", Sirius said as he smirked and winked. " Naw, I think we've scarred her enough for one day.", I said smiling as he leaned in for another kiss. "EXCUSE ME! THERE IS A RULE AGAINST THIS", McGonagall shouted as she pushed us apart while suppressing a laugh as Sirius glared at her. "I SHOULD GIVE YOU BOTH A DETENTION!", McGonagall yelled at us in mock anger. "Yeah, but you won't because I'm your favorite student. Right, Minnie?", Sirius said as he was smirking. "In your dreams.", she said but we could easily tell that that was a lie. "You're lucky it was just me that caught you two. I don't think other Professors would treat this so lightly. I guess I should let you two off with a "Warning", She said while actually curving her fingers in mock quotations when she said warning. This was why I actually preferred her more than other Professors sometimes. "Is it too late to go back to dinner? I guess I haven't really had anything to eat.", I said as I laughed thinking that I had actually missed a meal. "Wait, I have an idea. Meet me at the Black Lake in exactly one hour, and don't eat anything between now and then!", he said as he then ran off to who knows where. "How can I do that?!?", I yelled after him before just shrugging it off and going to sit in the Great Hall. "Where's Padfoot?", James asked as the gang saw me come back in without him. "I honestly don't know where he ran off to, but I'm pretty sure that we're a "couple" now if that's what you want to call it.", I said as I slightly smiled at the thought. "Oh, that makes sense. No wonder Emma has refused to finish dinner!", Remus said as he was laughing at the girl sitting beside him with her head down on the table. "Oh yeah, sorry about that little sis", I said as I stole the rest of James's apple and took a bite. "Hey, I was going to finish that!", complained James. "What? I was told to not get any food from the table, but Sirius didn't say that I couldn't steal food from you!", I said as I finished it off in front of a grumbling James and a laughing Lily.

*3rd Person's POV*

While Storm went to prepare for whatever surprise that Sirius apparently had planned for her, Remus led Emma to the top of the Astronomy tower. "Wow, It's so beautiful up here!", Emma exclaimed as she was gazing at the stars. "I know, especially from my view.", Remus said as he was gazing at Emma and not the stars (lol, but she was too distracted with the stars to know what he meant.) "Ummmm, not that I'm complaining or anything but, was there a reason you brought me up here besides for stargazing?", Emma asked as she smiled at Remus. "No, Well, there was actually something I've been meaning to tell you for quite some time. I............", Remus said before being interrupted by Emma. "Listen to me Moony, whatever you have to say I don't want you to be this nervous about it. I know that sometimes I can be a little mischievous being a Weasley twin and all, but I've been able to see your blind faith in me. I just want you to know that I feel the same way about you, and that's something I've always wanted you to know ever since my feelings grew for you.", Emma told Remus as he then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you, Emma, you've always known what to say to make your friends feel better. There is something I need to tell you. Emma, do you know why I disappear once a month?", Remus asked me. "Yeah, but I always just assumed that you coincidentally caught some weird disease once a month?", Emma asked clearly showing that she never caught on to him. "Well, I guess you could call it a disease. I'm afraid It's a little more than just a small disease though. Emma, I'm a Werewolf.", Remus told the girl as he hoped that she wouldn't do something like run away in terror. "Wait, now everything makes sense! The nickname, the disappearances. Moony, why didn't you tell me sooner?!?", I said as I was a little sad that he didn't trust me enough before. "Believe me, Emma, I wanted to. I was just afraid that you would reject me for who I am, what I am. My biggest fear was losing you.", he said as he had avoided her eye contact only for her to turn his head to face her. "Moony, I would never leave you, not even for anything in the world. You are my happiness.", Emma said as they leaned in for a kiss.

- Meanwhile at the moment Storm was about to find out the surprise by the lake-

*Storm's POV*

Wow, I can't believe I actually dressed myself up a little bit for whatever this is, I thought to myself as I was beginning to come upon the lake. Wait, are those.........String Lights? As I got closer I saw a romantic set up by the lake. 'Now surely this wasn't the work of the same guy that wanted to keep kissing me to torment my sister a little bit ago.', I thought as I then saw the one and only. "Didn't think I was capable of this did you?", Sirius said as he smirked when taking in my expression. "Honestly, this is a first.", I said as I still stood there in astonishment. "You know, there is more to me than my reputation.", he said as he seemed to be checking me out. 'There's that side of Siri I know', I thought as I smirked thinking that this was actually real. "Wait, give me a second.", I said as I pinched my arm. "Ouch! Okay, this is real.", I said as Sirius actually pulled out a chair for me. "You're not pulling that out for me just to say psych and take it out from underneath me afterwards are you?", I asked him cautiously at first waiting to sit down. "Ughhhh, can you just sit in this chair, please. I had to take lessons from Moony on how to be a "Gentleman.", he said as he did an eye roll. "Did you just say that Moony gave you lessons on manners for a date?", I asked trying to hold back laughter. This was too good to be true! "I'm not going to fully admit to it, but if Remus says anything do not take his word!", he said probably at the thought of Moony rubbing it in that he had previously come to him for advice. "Although, I can tell you something embarrassing for him.", he said smirking at the thought. "What is it?", I asked curiously after I had now actually sat down. "When he was showing me how to present a "proper date" he used a dummy that he had "coincidentally" named Emma. He then showed me everything I needed to do by watching him and the dummy.", Sirius went on as Storm then became slightly disgusted. "He didn't......... kiss that dummy did he?", I asked thinking the unthinkable. "What do you think he practices on?", asked Sirius arching his eyebrow as I pretended to turn around and vomit. "Never......tell me that......again.", I said as I tried to remove the image of Remus kissing that dummy in replacement of MY TWIN. I made a mental note then to find and destroy that dummy later on. "Wow, you get just as disgusted of her dating as she does of yours. I think I've found out the way to get to you now.", he said teasingly as he smirked thinking of all the ways he could torture me with that. "So, what's this?", I asked as I pointed to the spread that he had put on our miniature table. "This is to make up for dinner. Also, if you hadn't noticed yet, this is our first date.", he said as if I hadn't figured that out. "Kinda already figured that. Where did you get this stuff though?", I asked as I was looking at my favorite foods. "I stole it.", he said smiling as if he were proud of himself, or was he hiding something? "Sure you did.", I said before I dug into the food. "Wow, you really didn't eat anything before you came here did you?", he asked as he watched me practically devour the picnic. You can't blame me though, there was chocolate! "Actually, I stole the rest of James' apple earlier.", I said as I then continued eating. "Figured you would probably do something like that. You know, that's why I like you so much.", he said as he was smiling at me.

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