Chapter 2

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A/N ok so here's an update for chapter two This account is controlled by Me (Amaya) And Aliana it's gonna be harder to update because of school but we'll try our best -Amaya xo

Harry's POV

Harry's And then he shouted back . "What the fuck Harry what do you want!"

My feelings inside if me twisted and fought on whether I should yell back at him or help. Before I could give him an answer he started to run away. His flat was only a block away from the school. Once he reached his house I caught up to him. "I hate you Harry , I thought you loved me , you seem to act like it . I'm don-" he was cut off by me crashing my lips into his.I felt sparks and knew he did to. "I love you Lou , b-but I'm not gay so how can I ?" I said in the nicest way possible "Harry you are gay If not bisexual , either way I don't care I know you felt what I just felt and you can't lie , Haz I love you , I love you a lot but if you feel that way we can't be together , not now not ever Harry .. As much as It kills me to say this but Goodbye Harry ..."

looked into his eyes and saw truth and pain was he serious ? Did he really just say this I mean I know I denied him first but I can't continue like this , maybe I am gay , maybe I'm bi , I don't know yet but soon I will just one last thing I need to do if I really wanted to know...
"Yes Harry" I looked at his eyes , mines full of lust and hunger. I pushed Louis into his house and onto his couch roughly kissing him and holding him tight
" listen ... Lou ... Your ... A-all ....mine .. Got that" I spoke in between kisses. He nodded I pulled the shirt off the smaller boys body and tossed it to the ground which made him gasp. I decided to intensify the kissing but still adding passion soon I had Louis right where I wanted him
"H-Harry STOP" he said as he pushed me away. I felt the tears as I was holding them back
"Harry you have a girl , how can you be ... Well you know doing what your doing with me?" Louis blushed at the last part "your right " I said and got up I pulled out my phone and texted Veronica


Me: Veronica I don't think this is gonna work out between us

Veronica: thank god , I have much better looking guys asking me to fuck , thanks Hazz , got to go On my way on to go on a date -xox Ver

I was shocked but not shocked at the same time.
"Louis remember that 'girlfriend I had ? Well she's gone now" I gave him a cheeky smile. He shook his head and softly spoke again,
"let's try that thing we were doing again" . I went to lean in and kiss Louis again when all Of a sudden he slaps me In my face
"Louis what the hell!" I shout in frustration .
"Harry you just cheated on Veronica with me then broke up with her. What's your problem ?!? Two minutes ago you were telling me you weren't gay and now your here kissing me on my couch , I'm sorry but Harry leave come back tomorrow when you know what you want"
Louis spoke softly but it was painful "You fuck I just came here to please you and to find myself and now you want me gone !!! What did I not satisfy you or make you happy ? Fuck you Tomlinson ,why don't you just go back to Doncaster with Stan ?!!" I shouted as I stormed out his flat into his drive way
"HARRY FUCKING STYLES ! You're the one who came onto me, lead me on and pushed me away I never asked for you to kiss me or tell me you loved me you came to ME.! You might not think it but you are gay and I can tell. Veronica was the only girlfriend you had in 2 years. Face it Harry we love each other but you just can't face the fact that you've become a fag as what you would say , how does it feel, huh? " Louis shouted . He was right I was gay and I knew It I've always loved Louis , I was just always afraid. "Listen Lou-" I was cutoff by an angry Louis "no Harry you listen ! What's up with you?!?" Louis was right in every way "Louis you're right . Look I'm sorry for everything but you opened up my eyes to see who I really was , Thank you Boo" I reached out to give him a hug he accepted it which I was surprised of. I knew Louis wouldn't wanna jump right away but I could wait , and I'd wait forever if I had to . "Louis from now on it's only You & I"

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