Chapter |1|

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Elle's point of view:

Today has been so stressful for me, hell this whole month has. I moved from Seattle to LA, which was a hard thing to do because I had to move all of my shit on my own with the help of my best friend. My mom and her boyfriend refused to help me put my stuff in the moving truck I had rented, so Elijah had helped me.

Elijah lives in LA with his twin brother Isaac, and now with me. The three of us met when I was in LA, I was at the store and wanted to buy some alcohol because I was so stressed that maybe it would have relieved some stress but I wasn't old enough to buy alcohol. The twins were looking to buy some beer, they were going to have a party and they invited me, apparently because they thought I was pretty. I ended up going to their party and we hit it off well. That's just the run down of how we met, not every detail.

I'm currently doing college work because I'm slightly behind which is not good, I shouldn't be behind I'm always on track with assignments.

"Miss, would you like a refill on your soda?" A red head that looked around her 30's asked me, "Actually, I was wondering if I could get an iced macchiato? I'll pay up front." I gave the lady a kind smile and she nodded her head before saying 'Of course.'

A few minutes had gone by and I was handed the drink I asked for, I thanked her before getting back to my school work.

I am writing a short story for my creative writing class when I hear a bunch of kids screaming and it's coming closer until the coffee shop door opens and a girl around 5'3" with slightly dark blue hair walked in, there were two older people beside her. One was a girl, probably her mom and there was an older man with orange hair and some facial hair.

I've seen her before on Instagram, I swear.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the girl walked past me but smiled at me, a bunch of girls in their teens followed behind her saying her name. "Billie! Please take a picture with me?"

"Oh my god." I groaned as a bunch of girls bumped into me, I'm just trying to write for Christ sake. I went to move my drink but someone pushed into me making me spill my drink all over my notebook, making me stand up and groan in frustration. "Really?" I snapped looking down at my shirt and my notebook, you've gotta be fucking kidding me.

No one stopped trying to get the young girls attention, and the girl who made me spill my drink all over my shit didn't even apologize.

"Yo guys, stop." The blue hair girl said over everyone and everyone got quiet and watched as she made her way through the crowd to me. "I'm so sorry, dude. Let me help you." She offered but I shook my head 'No.'

"Forget it." I said coldly grabbing my notebook, shaking off the coffee and putting the money I was going to give to the cashier on the table and walking out of the coffee shop pissed.

I just never get a fucking break, this just caused me so much shit I now have to do, again. I'm going to have to rewrite all of this in a new notebook.

I know you're probably wondering, 'Why the fuck was she being such a dick towards her?' I'm on edge, there's no going back now anyway.

Running a hand through my brown hair, I made my way to my car and once I reached it I hopped in then made my way home after securing my seatbelt around myself.

It didn't take long to get back to the apartment with Elijah and Isaac, only about 20 minutes. After I unlocked the door I sighed, "Boys?" Calling throughout the apartment only to hear Elijah answer back with 'Yes?'

"Do we have any beer or something?" The sound of footsteps entered the dining room making me turn around to see Elijah wearing a grey hoodie along with black joggers and a black dad hat.

Elijah has given me a confused look before saying, "Why? We have plans in a little bit, you shouldn't be drinking right now dude."

"Yeah well, I'm kinda having a shitty day. I just need to relax and be.. not stressed." A chuckle escaped my mouth. "I didn't even know we had plans, Elijah. I don't want to go out."

"You are right about relaxing, your ass has been so focused on school you just need a little fun. And lucky for you, we're not going out, we've got some people coming over here."

An unattractive groan had exited my mouth, "Ugh, come on. I'm not coming out, I'm going to be in my room." With that I made my way into my room, shutting the door behind me before slipping off my shoes and taking off my shirt that had coffee on it. I then pulled over a red shirt that was on my chair by my desk, I always keep a clean shirt on my chair to change into when I get home.

Once I was finally ready to relax I laid down and closed my eyes, I'm just going to take a little nap.

*** ***
First chapters are always difficult for me but I think I did pretty well, the second chapter will for sure be better and longer.

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