Connor x Reader | The new detective

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(A/N) This is not part of the game but you're a new detective (Female) that just graduated from a police academy in Detroit and you are just assigned partners with Connor Anderson. This all happened after the revolution. connor is hank son and hank retired and Connor needs a new partner that is (Y/N).


(Y/N) Pov

It was my first day to become a real officer after graduated from a police academy in Detroit. I was very nervous to meet my new partner Connor Anderson. Jeffery told me he was a prototype android detective and Connor can be weird sometimes I didn't know what he meant by weird but he sounds like a great person to me.

As I was awakened by my black and silver alarm clock I reach over to turn it off it reads 5:30 AM. IM LATE!!! I jump out of bed and my feet immediately it meets the coldness of the wooden floor so I quickly and rush to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I grab my black pants and a white button shirt with my tank top and my black bra and panties and my black and white vans. I quickly made my way to the bathroom to change.

A few mins after I finished getting ready I head downstairs to my kitchen and I decided to make coffee since I was all ready late. after the coffee was done brewing I hear my doorbell ring than a soft knock. I walk to my front door heading into my living room. before I know I saw a figure standing outside my door as I got close to my door the knocks start to get loud and louder. I saw a handsome gentleman waiting could that be Connor. I open my door and meet a handsome and inpatient gentleman standing there.

It like my words disappeared into thin air as I try to speak or open my mouth. then a soft voice can be heard breaking my daydream. Hi sorry for the intrusion I'm Connor Anderson I was wondering are you (Y/N) (L/N)? I was speechless but why? I mean his hair falls back perfectly but one strang hanging their which made him look even more handsome his eye are a gentle brown that if you look into them long enough you may get lost in them which I did because Connor was confused and wave his hand in front of my face trying to snap me out of my daydream. then he spoke up excuse me but Your heart rate is rising are you ok?

My face was red as a tomato I cover my face with my hand and say Y...Yes, I'm fine. Connor gave a smile (trying not to scan me because of hanks rules.) Connor speak up and again ask the question from before excuse me but are you (Y/N) (L/N)? I put my hands to my side and say Yep I'm (Y/N). I gave a nervous laugh. connor gave me a smile before talking once more again I'm glad to meet you (Y/N) and he left up his hand to give me a handshake so I smile and gave one back. Nice to meet you, Connor. I ofter him to come in and out of the cold breeze.

Connor looks around and saw a photo of my dog (D/N) and me from 2018. he asks what happened to him/her. I told him he/she die of old age. I grab my coffee and head for my door. let's go, Connor, I said with a smile. connor follow me to my car grey car. I sat in the driver set and Connor sat in the passenger seat. I put on my favorite song (F/S) it an amazing song I was humming the whole way there until Connor turn off the music and talk about the evidence he found during the case he had in the past.


(A/N) sorry for ending it short I will make a part 2 soon just a reminder I'm still taking request or you can make your own story and I will put it in my one-shorts with your name on it and just wait part 2 is on its way. see you in the new story buh bye.👋✋

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