9. The Babe Arrives

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Today is the day Tyler gets to your parents and you could barely contain your excitement. It's a bonus that the Stars won last night so he was going to be in a very good mood! His facetime after the end of the game was hilarious. All the boys were beaming with excitement like little kids because of the win and being on their way to the airport to head to their families.

"Guys! Try to act a little cool! Y/N is on the phone!" Tyler laughed at his teammates.

While you were still laughing at Tyler's slight embarrassment there seemed to be a scuffle on his end and then Jamie appeared.

"Y/N! Seggy won't let any of us come to your town with him. We all should meet your family just as much as he should!" Jamie exclaimed little a 5 year old having a fit.

"How does that make sense???" Tyler questioned from off screen. "and give me my phone back!" You started laughing so hard and Tyler's sisters walked in laughing too because they heard them from down the hall.

"Geez Ty, let Jamie live" Cassidy mocked. "fuck off, Cass. I just want to talk to my girl and you all are mocking me!" Tyler whined.

"okay okay I love you all dearly but time for it to be just Tyler and I" you tried to keep the peace but you were also still laughing at the hilarious exchange.

"okay fine! But I'll talk to you later, Y/N! I miss you!" Jamie smirked and Tyler stole his own phone back. "MINE." Tyler said glaring at Jamie then quickly smiling back at you.

"okay my angel, sadly I'm pulling up to the airport since SOMEONE took up our time!" Tyler stuck his tongue out at Jamie and you could hear Jamie's hysterical laugh in the background.

"It's okay gorgeous, I'll be with you tomorrow. Have a safe flight. I love you!" you smiled and kissed the screen. "I love you, my angel." Tyler said sweetly then you yelled goodbye to the rest of the boys and hung up with a smile.

You finish replaying the conversation for the millionth time in your head when Jackie comes into the living room and joins you on the couch. You both smile at one another while loving on all the dogs. You were so comfortable with his family and it was amazing. There was no awkward feeling if you were to just be sitting in silence with any of them.

Jackie spoke first, "I can't wait to see Tyler. I feel like it has been way too long." You nodded in agreement, "I know, This has been the longest he and I have been apart since I started to move in."

Jackie had the sweetest smile as you spoke about Tyler. "I remember when he told me you were moving in. I'd never seen him so excited. It was the most beautiful moment for me." Jackie continued to beam with happiness while telling you this and your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much. "Since the day he met you I've seen him mature even more than he already had. All I've ever wanted for him was to find someone that fit him so perfectly. I'm so happy he strolled into your section at the Allstars." Jackie continued raving about you and Tyler when the doorbell rang.

"what's he ringing the bell for?" you jumped up smiling assuming it was Tyler. Once you opened the front door to much of your surprise it wasn't Tyler but the film crew you forgot all about since you've had time off from filming since you've been home. You should have expected it though what with Tyler coming in today. "Welcome back ya'll" you greeted them with the biggest smile. They are just doing their job after all so you can't be mad at them.

"Happy Holidays, Y/N" the producer greeted you with a big hug, "I've missed you so much!" she said with a smile while pulling away from the hug. "Tyler just landed so he should be here within the hour. So as usual just ignore us" you nodded with a smile as a response and just went back into the living room with Jackie. "The camera crew is here!" you yelled out just so everyone in the house was well aware before they just walked in.

"Sorry about that" you said as you sat back down with Jackie. "It's no problem at all, sweetheart. I'm too used to this because of Tyler" she smiled her signature Jackie smile.

The next hour based by so slowly when suddenly you heard the dogs barking as they ran down the stairs. You jumped up as you heard the front door open and all the dogs started crying then you heard his voice. The voice he only uses when talking to the dogs. "Hi my children. I've missed you so much yes I have. Okay yes yes I know. Okay stop I need to see mama. Where is mama?" Tyler said and it made you heart melt so quickly. You came around the corner to the hallway he was in with the dogs finding him laying in the foyer with them.

When he lifted up his head and saw you he couldn't get up fast enough. "Angel!" he exclaimed jumping up and picking you up in one smooth motion. "Hi my love" you laughed as he spun you around, pulling you into a kiss as he set you back down on your feet. You stumbled for a moment getting your balance back and he laughed. "sorry about that, I just have been dying to see you since I left for that road trip. Every moment of every day I just wanted to be with you." Hearing him say all of this just made the way to see him so much better. "I've missed see you in the stands cheering me on during the game and chirping me during warm ups." He said making you laugh.

"I miss you too, gorgeous" you said as you got on your tiptoes to give him one more quick kiss before you both walked into the living room with the dogs close behind you. Jackie ran up and hugged Tyler while everyone else piled downstairs to greet him. All the families just blending together so well you couldn't see an awkward separation like you've seen before.

The producer walked up you, leaned in, and whispered "I haven't seen him this happy in weeks" and with no surprise brightened up your smile even more than it already was.

You walked into the kitchen to start making dinner for the family and letting everyone have their time with Tyler. The producer follows you over with one of the cameras and asks "Why are you over here when Tyler just got home?" you just smiled as you started pulling out all the ingredients, "I get him all to myself majority of the time. No need for me to demand any attention." You told them without realizing Tyler had strolled in. "I share a room with her" he winked at the camera as you playfully swat at his stomach. "Angel let me help you. I miss cooking with you." He said but you laughed, "No Tyler. You like eating everything before I even get the chance to plate it and put it on the table." You both smiled then began laughing. "okay that may be true," he shrugged, "but I just wanted to cook and dance around the kitchen with you.

"yes please do that! I need Instagram content!" Candace called out from the living room as she and Cassidy started pulling out their phones. Tyler stuck his tongue out at them while they started recording.

Tyler started the music and immediately pulled you in for a slow dance as Perfect by Ed Sheeran started to play. "Ty I can't make dinner while slow dancing." You smiled into his chest. "Just dance until the end of the chorus" he whined and you looked up and smiled at him. "Okay just until the chorus."

You continued to dance then, like you said, at the end of the chorus you started to pull away and Tyler began to pout so you swayed back into him and lifted yourself up to give him a quick kiss. "I love you" he smiled into the kiss. "I love you. But I do need to cook, my darling" you smirked.

"thanks for the content!" His sisters said in unison. Tyler threw a crouton across the kitchen towards his sisters and everyone started laughing. All while the dogs scrambled to see who could get the treat from papa first. You smiled and continued cooking.

As you were minutes away from finishing dinner Tyler set the table and everyone started to settle down to enjoy the first night of the Christmas holiday with everyone together.

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