8. Seguin Girls

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The days waiting for Tyler to come to your parents were taking forever to end. Not that you weren't loving being back home you just really were missing him since constantly being at his home for the last few months. Being away from him was never this hard before. You really don't mind when he is away on road trips, just you and the pups at home in Dallas going on adventures before his games came on. It must be because of the holiday and being with your family that made you miss him. You just wanted him out there with you.

Thankfully his family was coming in to town soon. You couldn't wait for all the families to be together again. You had such a wonderful time at Thanksgiving that you knew this Christmas would be just as incredible. This would also be the first time Tyler met everyone in your family and you mean EVERY single person. All your cousins, your aunts and uncles, and your grandparents. You always thought this kind of thing would make you nervous. You've never introduced you whole family to anyone you have dated. It was a rule you had. Unless you truly saw a future with a guy they wouldn't meet the family. Now here you are meeting eachother's family. Not to mention moving in together.

Just as you begin to think about being completely moved in to Tyler's house after the holidays you heard the front door open downstairs and all the dogs immediately ran downstairs. Before you could even get up from your bed to see who walked in Cassidy and Candace tackled you back down to your bed in a fit of laughter.

"oh my gosh hi!!! I thought you weren't arrive for another couple days!" you squealed with happiness. "Y/N we've missed you so much! It was so hard keeping from you that we were getting here today!" Cassidy smiled while still squeezing you. "I'm so glad you all did!!" you laughed when Jackie and your mom both strolled in. "don't forget me!" Jackie laughed and joined the lovefest.

Suddenly your phone rang, Sweetheart with the cutest picture of Ty and the dogs behind it popped up. "he doesn't know we are here yet either! He would have ruined the surprise!" Candace laughed. You smiled while answering his nightly Facetime, "hi Sweets!" you angled the shot so he couldn't see anyone else around you. "Gorgeous! I missed you today! Can't want to see you soon!" he said in the sweetest voice. "My family should be there in a couple days as well." He said but you start laughing and try to recover to make it look like someone in your family did something. Tyler bought it until Cassidy couldn't disguise her sneeze which was hilarious. The look he pulled. You tried to say it was your mom and then his sisters just decided to jump into the shot. "what the hell!!!! Why didn't you tell me?!?!?!" he whined. "Like you would have been able to keep a secret from Y/N!" everyone but Tyler laughed. "not funny" he pouted.

"angel, I love you but it's true. You and I both can't keep secrets from eachother" you laughed and it made him smile. He loved seeing you so happy with his family. Every moment you all were together was the happiest for him. "I love you too, gorgeous" he smiled, then a rolled up sock was chucked at his head. "he has to go, Y/N! we're having team bonding!" Jamie yelled from the background. "Fuck off were watching Elf in Rads room. Not singing Kumbaya!" he retaliated and you all broke up into a fit of laughter. "love you all! Have fun! I'll see you soon, my love" you said to Tyler before he kissed the screen and you both hung up.

"I don't know how many times I can say it before it gets annoying but, I'm so glad you two stumbled upon each other that day." Jackie said and your mom happily agreed. Your moms ran downstairs to make dinner together which you happily sent Tyler photos and videos of. You both loved seeing them get so close. His sisters were outside with dogs while you did some reorganizing to get the house ready for everyone to sleep in tonight. You couldn't wait to spend the holidays together and having the Seguin girls here a couple days earlier just made it even better now.

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