Ch.7 Couple Vacation -1

419 17 36

Saint's POV
We are at the airport now. L was right there are fewer fans right now. Even with hats and face masks we still get recognised by the few fans that are here. I hope no one notices that I'm walking a bit funny. I'm a bit sore. Though I'm sure I'm not as sore as I could be. Perth asked me this morning if I was okay. I could tell he was asking cause he cares not just cause he was curious like when Ae asked Pete in the series. I look at him walking in front of me to our gate where our plane is. His walking is also a bit off. I think I was a bit rough. I did try to go slow. But I had a hard time with control. I really want to take him by the hand. I want the space between us disappear. Like L says we hate personal space between us. "Phi come on you can focus on that later right now we got to catch our flight." He says and my face heats up as I look up to meet his gaze. I was staring at his ass. Even though I will do everything I can to make dominant Perth come out when we get to San Francisco. He smiles at me and I smile back at him. We reach our gate and go to our number. We check in our luggage and keep our carry on bags. We have neck pillows and other various items in our backpacks. They scan our tickets and check our passports. Then we get on the plane. We go to our row and we check the letters. Perth gets the window seat so I let him get in first. He sits and put up the arm rest that separates our two seats. I sit down.
We have our neck pillows on. I take out a blanket. Then I put our backpacks in the overhead compartment. Then I sit back down and put the blanket over both of us. He takes my hand and interlocks our fingers. I smile. "I wonder what San Francisco will be like." He says. "I'm sure it will be nice since L says we won't have to hide. I wonder if we will meet anyone." I muse. "Why do we need to meet anyone we got each other." Perth says and I frown. That's not how I meant it. "Not like that. I mean friends. I have everything I need and want with you." I tell him to put his mind at ease. I wonder why he always seems to worry about losing me. I mean I worry about losing him too but he seems to worry at another level. Why is he so insecure in himself? He is best for me. Plus I want him to trust me more. Other passengers are starting to fall asleep so I take this chance and kiss his forehead. Perth looks at me and smiles. I smile back.
I wake up a bit later and realize I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder. His head is also on my head. He must be asleep. Our fingers are also still intertwined. I smile at his warm hand in mine. Then an annoucer comes on the intercom and says that we will start our descent to land at San Fransisco International Airport. The announcer also welcomes us to America. Perth wakes up at this and moves his head. I lift my head from his shoulder. "Sleep well?" I ask him. "Yes. I always sleep well with you." He says softly. I smile as I start to roll up the blanket. We had one stop in New York where we had to switch planes.
A bit later
We get off the plane in San Francisco. We take off our face mask. We get our luggage. And we go out to meet our Lyft driver that we set up to meet us at the airport. We get in the car after we put our luggage in the trunk. I check the time its 6:40 Friday morning back home. I check local time. Its 3:40 Thursday afternoon. I text L to let them know that we landed safely. Then I put my phone away and set my plan into motion to tease Perth. I know we plan on having an early dinner first but I want him. I want him to take me. I put my hand on his upper thigh and smile innocently when he looks up at me. This is going to be so fun.
We are now walking to a restaurant close by the hotel. We are holding hands. We walk in the restaurant and the hostess takes us to a table and we sit down. I give Perth a smoldering look. And his eyes turn dark. I smile then a waitress comes over to us. "What would you like honey?" She says to me. "Perth what would you like?" I ask him then glance at the menu. He takes a few minutes then orders. "And you honey?" She says to me. "I would prefer to eat shrimp but I will take the chicken sandwich meal." I say and I smirk. "Uhh we don't have shrimp." She says clearly not getting it. "I know." "And for drinks honey?" She says and we both order sodas. "I will be back with your drinks honey." She says and I give her a smile. Then she walks off. Perth is glaring into her back. What? Why is he mad now? I touch his hand from over the table. I use my thumb to rub circles. She comes back and gives us our drinks. The waitress says something but I'm not really listening I'm looking at Perth wondering why he looks angry when I want him turned on. Suddenly I feel a hand on my thigh. I look at her hand wondering what the hell she is doing. "So you will give me your Number honey? I get off at 7 we can have some fun." She says. What the fuck?! But before I could respond Perth does. "Get your hand off of him slutty bitch." He says venom dripping. "What?! Why do you care?" "We're gay and he's my boyfriend." He says looking like he wants to kill someone. Her hand goes off my thigh. "No you two can't be gay. Prove it." She says. And he gets up and pulls me over the table and kisses me hard. I gasp and kiss back just as hard. Damn this dark possessive side is so hot. I open my mouth a bit and he shoves his tongue in. I moan at his dominance over me. I wish he could take me now. "Damn why do all the hot ones have to be taken and gay?" The waitress says. Perth breaks the kiss and let's me go so we can sit back down. She leaves. "I'm going to have to punish you Son." His voice a bit deep and husky. With a bit of danger laced into his voice. My dick hardens and twitches at his meaning. "W-why? H-how?" "You let that slutty bitch flirt with you without telling her that you are taken. Did you forget who you belong to Son? I'm going to make sure you never forget again im going to make you fucking scream my name. I don't care if anyone hears. I gulp both anxious and excited with what is going to happen.

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