Ch. 16 Tests and Memories..

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A/N this chapter deals with a sensitive topic. The abuse of a character. So a *trigger warning* is needed and given. Also I don't know really anything of Thailand's history so I'm just making things up to suit what I want for my story. Hope you all enjoy.

Perth's POV
Saint parks at the apartment complex and we get out. I smile and take his hand making him smile. "Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan!" I hear an angry voice call me. And I wince. And I turn to see my parents. And suddenly I realize what I forgot. "Seems like you forgot to mention what this trip was actually for Young man." My Phoo (father) says venom dripping from every word. "I'm disappointed that neither of you told us why you were going to America this time." My mae(mom) says disappointed. "I'm sorry we both got caught up in it all." Saint says politely. "I think we need to go home to talk dont you Tanapon?" My Phoo (Father) says. "My place is here with him." I say. Holding tightly on Saint's hand. "That's because you made that your place on your own." My phoo(father) snaps. And I feel Saint flinch. Phoo(father) grabs my arm. "We're leaving Tanapon." "I can't leave him alone!" I tell him pulling back. "He'll survive for awhile." Phoo(father) says jerking me forward. "Perth!" Saint cries out as our hands are pulled apart. My phoo(father) starts leading me away. "Don't worry I'll come back to you. I'll come back home to you I promise." I call out to my husband as my phoo(father) harshly forces me away into his car. I am pushed into the car. And the car door is slammed in my face. I watch Saint watching me and I feel my heart sinking. I can tell he's crying. Dont worry love not even my phoo(father) can keep us apart. I will come back to you. Cause we belong together. Then my father speeds away. I text Saint's mae(mom) asking her to stay with him while im gone. So he's not left alone for long.
Phoo(father) pushes me into one of their large dens. I fall onto the floor. "So when your mae(mom) and I were barely coming to terms with the fact that your with that boy your co-star you run off and get married?!" He shouts. "What bothers you more the fact that I married him or the fact that I forgot to tell you about it?" I ask and he just glares at me. "Leave him." "No I can't I love him!" I cry out. "You're 18. Are you sure you know what love even is?" "Yes. I know what it is and how it feels. I need him like I need to breathe. He brightens my days just like the sun. He knows and understands me better than anyone. I built up walls around my heart after my ex cheated on me multiple times. And he made them fall down with just one look and they didn't even make a sound. I let him in without knowing it. But the more I got to him the more I knew that he was and is the one for me. It was a risk that I took but I never could shut him out. He was always on my mind and that hadn't changed. Everything I do I think of him first and before anything else. He's my saving grace my angel and I pray the word doesn't make his light or his halo fade away. He's everything I need and more. I feel like I've been awaken, like I wasn't really living before and he came into my life and showed me what I was missing. Tell me how do you expect to live alone with just me? My world revolves around him. I need him to breathe. Tell me how im supposed to breathe with no air. How is he gonna be without me? He needs me as much as I need him. And that's what love is." I tell my phoo(father). "Let's test that out shall we? Let's see if you really mean the words that you say." He says. "Test?" I ask and he picks up a baseball bat. "Phoo?!" "Let's see if you can endure it for him. Love can be pain. Let's see if youre willing to go through pain for your love. If you can't and you tell me to stop. You're leaving him." He says kicking me hard in the gut. I feel pain and like I can't breathe. "Can you endure it Tanapon?" "For him..I'll endure anything.. Even death." I somehow manage to say while trying to breathe. "We'll see." He says and he kicks me again even harder. Then he hits me with the bat. He hits me again hitting down hard on my chest. He taunts me cruely as he beats me down. "Honey that's enough he's bleeding." I hear mae(mom) say. "Its not enough to test the love he has for that boy." He says as hits the bat down hard on me again. I feel pain everywhere. I'm aware that ive cried out but I don't and refuse to tell him to stop. I've got to endure this. I will endure this. Black spots begin to form in my vision. And I stop hearing sound. My world goes silent as I can only feel pain. I will come home to you Saint. I think trying to focus on him. My cute bunny. That's more beautiful than any woman. He's beautiful inside and out and he doesnt even see it. I know he sees himself as a broken mess of a person especially after what happened to him. But he's not. He is a beautiful angel that the world doesn't deserve. That I don't even deserve. But by some miracle he loves me back. I cry out as I feel a sharp mind numbing pain in my side. I still refuse to tell him to stop. I won't give up on our love. It's everything I want everything I need. Something pounds down hard into my head. And everything goes dark.

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