Chapter 15: Whats It Like Being THE sister of THE Harry Styles

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Olly and I walked down the London streets hand in hand as some paprazzi caught glimpse of us, we didn't care, We aren't afraid to hide our relationship to Ollys fans but they already know about us.

As we strolled along with our Starbucks coffee cups in our hands, I couldn't be happier.

"So what did you do today?" Olly asked. 

"Just did more photoshoots with Becca whilst she made googly eyes at Niall when he came in to drop her bag off" I laughed whilst rolling my eyes.

"Sounds like something she would do" Olly chuckled. 

"She was practically drooling over him when he walked around Harrys flat shirtless the other day" I giggled.

"Come with me" Olly said throwing his empty coffee cup in the bin beside us whilst taking my hand and speeding our walking pace up. 

"Where are we going?" I ask whilst taking a sip of my latte. 

"Surprise" He winked. 

"Okay then!" I huffed.

I then threw my plastic cup in the bin whilst taking Ollys trilby hat off and placing it on my own.

"Hey! Mine! but you do look adorable in it" He grinned.

"Sweet talking aint gonna get you anywhere Murs!" I smirked whilst making sure Ollys trilby was firmly on my head. 


As we walked through the forest I was in awe, A beautiful waterfall was up ahead of us and a beautiful red and white chekered picnic blanket and sandwhiches wrapped in see through foil.

"Olly!" I said shocked and kissed his lips gently.

As I pulled back he tightened his grip around my waist and kept our lips locked.

This kiss was much different to our other kisses.

This kiss was more passionite and deep.

As we pulled out of the kiss we were panting for air.

"woah" I managed to say.

"woah is right" he smiled showing his white teeth.

"TAG YOUR IT!" I screeched whilst tipping Olly and running around in and out of trees and hiding behind some. 

"Oi! no fair!" he said and I could tell he was pouting before he took off after me. 

I'm lucky, I'm a fast runner. I took off and ran behind a tree hiding.

"coming to get you...ready or not" Olly said in a 'creepy witch voice'

I burst into a fit of giggles.

"found ya!" He muffled into my hair as he spun me around while I giggled like a high school girl.

"Okay you found me!" I smiled.

"Whats my prize?! Whats my prize?!" he jumped up and down.

"who said there was a prize?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Aw come on! there has to be a prize!" He said taking hold of my waist.

"Who said?" I asked smirking.

"I said so."  he winked cheekily before leaning in as I wrap my arms around his neck.

His soft lips touched mine and I felt on top of the world. 

"Nutella sandwhiches m'lady?" He asks holding out his arm for me to link.

"Why thank you kind sir." I said linking our arms before skipping back to the picnic blanket.


"Oh my gawd! they were delicious!" I moaned in pleasure with the nutella sandwhich in my mouth.

"I make z best!" He winked.

"Ya sure do!" I agreed.

After eating Ollys home made sandwhiches we just laid down on the grass getting full view of the twinkling stars and the moon we were in a comfortable silence. 

"So, tell me whats it like to be in the news alot since you are THE sister of THE Harry Styles?" Olly asked turning on his side to look at me. 

 "Well to be honest, I don't really mind. I'm more of a background thing I suppose but lets say I was seen hugging Niall, they would make this HUGE story on how we have a secret relationship going on and how they have seen us go around town hand in hand, I mean I might hold his hand because the paparazzi and  crazy fans which I do love but they would do anything to get a touch of any of them  and it  scares me a little bit.. I'd feel safer holding any of their  hands if you know what I mean." I said truthfully.

"I understand, I mean their fans are dedicated. I love that about them but sometimes they tend to get out of hand. I mean its kinda crazy what they would do just to touch them like you said so I understand that you would feel safer holding their hands." He said to me while flailling his hands in the air.

 "Now  you tell me Mr. OLLY MURS Whats it like to be in the news all the time?" I ask him.

"Sometimes, I don't mind because I usually have positive stories for the public but when I had a girlfriend well.... it didn't turn out well really, they mostly got hate and they would always be giving negative news about them on the t.v but now I have you..." He said smiling at the  end taking my hand in his kissing it softly.

"Niamh there is something important I have to tell you......." Olly said sitting up straight.

"Niamh I-" 

"Sorry, Harry is calling me" I apologized for Harry cutting him off.

Harry. Is. So. Dead.

"Yes my dawling brother?" I said.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Home in fifteen, bye bye" I huffed down the phone. 

"We should go" I said to Olly standing up.

"But I had loads of fun! Thank you" I smiled kissing him.

"Im glad you did... now lets get you home" He said taking hold of my hand leading me to the car.

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