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Im John Lauren's.im gay.i am just starting out at at a new collage."i wonder who my dormmates will be!"I thought to my self. I started walking just thinking about what my dorm would be like, how life would be and who knows, maybe I'll find a cute-
The next thing I know I'm on the ground and my books fell everywhere. "Are you ok?!" Asked eimeone. "UhNO, you kinda just-" I caught myself from yealling at him, and looked up to see a guy.i felt my face heating up. "...I mean yeah, of course I'm fine! "I had never felt this way before. I knew from the moment I saw his face, it was love at first sight. He reached out his arm to me and opened his hsnd. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "So what's youre name?" I asked him. "Alexander, Alexander Hamilton." " I-im John! John laurens ....." "I have to go!" I started running away. I was nervous.
Let's see, this is my dorm! I found my dorm. Time to meet the people inside. "Bonjour Mon Ami!" Said some guy that was probably french. "Another guy came up and told me his name was herucles mulligan. I found out the french guy was lafayette. We hung out for a while.
"Mulligan, I thought we were going to get another roommate?" "We are."
Oh, another roomate? I wonder who that could be. Maybe it would be another french guy. Or someone with some weird name, or a common name like James. Knock knock!
"That must be then." I said." I'll ge tthe door!" Said lafayette."ouioui it is our next roomate! Come on in, Mon Ami!!!!!" I looked over to see who it was. AAAAHHHHHHHHHH


IT WAS HIM. My one true love, Alexander Hamilton came in the door."oh, John lauren's! I know you." He said. I started panicking and blushing. "HAHA YEAH YOU DO HAHA..." Oh no. I was freaking out. I could just see his confused face. Lafayette and mulligan made a face at each other. "Could you excuse us for a second," said mulligan. The next thing I know, him and lafayette pull ym outside.

"Oooooooh, I think someone has a crushy crush." Said mulligan in a high pitched voice. "Come on monami tell us what's going on."

"Don't worry we won't tell him,"

Now, they both knew and Alexander is my dormmate.i hope I don't screw this up!

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