Praise the Sun~Okami Amaterasu(Anthro) x Male Reader

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Video by: 97Trany.

Requested by: CarlosMartinez521373. (Thanks for the detailed request!)

(Pretend everyone is speaking fluent Japanese.)

A/N: Good Lord did this take long!! I'm pleased with the final result though. I hope you are as well.


You sighed with relief as the museum tour finally ended. 'Those were the longest two hours of my life,' You thought as you left the museum. 'But it was interesting learning about the different religions and gods in Japan. So far, mom and dad's gift hasn't disappointed me.' Your parents had decided that you, a 19 year old American, deserved a vacation from all the work you'd been doing, and had arranged a 2 week vacation for you, and only you, in Japan. They'd told you this a few years in advance, and even paid for your Japanese language lessons so you could have the best experience there.

So far on your vacation, you'd visited an aquarium, some gift shops to get your parents some gifts as thanks, a few restaurants, and the museum you had just left. And you hadn't even finished the first week  yet!!

"Alright then, so what should I do next?" You said as you pulled out a map of the city along with a pen and notepad that had some locations written down. "Let's see, just did the museum, so up next is the...local park!"

Using the map as a guide, you carefully made your way to the local park. Upon arrival, you smiled as you put your things away before starting to walk down one of the many marked dirt paths, admiring nature as you went. You could hear songbirds singing in the trees, and squirrels scampered off the path as you went along it.

After walking for several minutes, you came upon an intersection, with two marked paths and a third unmarked one leading away from it. "That's strange," You said as you looked closely at the unmarked path for any markers. "Why are there no markers on this path?" You continued, finding no markers on it at all.

'Should I go down it to see where it leads me?' You thought as you stared at the path. After a few minutes, you shrugged and said, "It wouldn't hurt to check it out," before heading down the unmarked path.

As you went down the path, you didn't notice that the path behind you was disappearing, leaving trees and brush in the space where it had been. You continued to follow the path for what seemed like hours, but was in reality only about 15 or so minutes, before coming to a dead end.

"Aw man!!" You cried with disappointment. "A dead end!" You frowned as you turned around to go back down the path, only for confusion to cover your face as you saw that the path was now gone.

"What the-?! Where's the path?!" You cried out with shock and confusion, gesturing to where the path had once been. You quickly looked around you, searching for the path.

"Oh here it is," You said with a sigh of relief upon finding it. "Now I can go back to the..." You trailed off as you looked down the path, your eyes widening at the sight you saw.

The path led up a hill to a clearly abandoned temple. Vines covered it, and several holes were visible in the roof and walls.

"That wasn't there before," You said as you stared at the building, forgetting about heading back.

Curious, you decided to explore the temple. You walked up the path to the rotting front doors, which were open and barely hanging on with their rusting hinges, and then entered the temple as the path behind you disappeared completely.

Male Reader x Various Book 1Where stories live. Discover now