Territorial Kidnapping~Female Werewolf x Male Reader

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Requested by: David_Blight and carlos4k5.

Video is by L.M.T.

A/N1: You accidentally enter a werewolf's territory, and she decides to kidnap you.


"Man, I knew I should have brought my jacket with me," You said as you hugged yourself, rubbing your cold arms as you shivered from the cold night breeze while you walked along the road. You had left a rock concert, and were now heading home, which was about an hour from where the concert had taken place.

Fortunately, you only had about 15 minutes more of walking, and you'd be home. Despite it being nighttime, you could see pretty well since it was a full moon that night. 'I don't get why everyone was told to stay at the concert hall for the night,' You thought as you walked down the road, the breeze getting stronger. "Okay, why does it have to be so windy tonight?" You said as the breeze seemed to cut straight through your clothes like a knife, chilling you pretty bad. "Maybe I should walk through the trees," You added as you looked at the forest surrounding you. "The trees can help cut down the breeze's power, and then I won't be as cold."

With that plan in mind, you stepped off the road and into the trees, making sure to stay close to the road as you walked. "Oh thank goodness, it worked," You said with a sigh as you felt the breeze be reduced in power significantly by the trees, and you started to feel less cold as you made your way through the trees.

What you failed to realize was that a pair of red eyes were watching you intently from deeper in the forest, and were keeping pace with you as you walked.

A few more minutes went by, before you heard a stick break in the forest, causing you to freeze in place as your heart began to speed up. "Hello? Is anyone there?" You called out, hoping to not get a response and that it was just your imagination.

Unfortunately though, that was not the case.

"Hello human," A sultry female voice said in response as some bushes several yards from you began to shake, before a figure stepped out.

"Hello human," A sultry female voice said in response as some bushes several yards from you began to shake, before a figure stepped out

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(Art by astracaelum on Furaffinity. Be nice Wattpad, i censored it so it would fit in the guidelines.)

Your eyes widened as you recognized that the creature was a werewolf, and immediately took a few steps back as your heart beat even faster.

"U-U-U-uh, H-H-H-Hi," You replied nervously as you stared at the female werewolf. 

She stood 6 foot 6 inches tall, and had thick dark brown fur covering her entire body, with lighter brown fur on the backs of her legs, bottoms of her forearms, the insides of her thick thighs, and on her belly, C-cup breasts, and neck. Sharp claws lined her feet and hands, while a pair of long sharp canines stuck out of her mouth, perfect for tearing flesh from prey or predators. A long fluffy tail stuck out above her large ass, while long light brown hair streaked with dark brown hung off her head.

Male Reader x Various Book 1Where stories live. Discover now