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Angela's  pov

"Chris you're  crazy you know, someone might see us"he hugged me, my back touching  his chest,  he slid his hands on mine and his face on my neck we were staring  at the  stars. 

"Aw angel I don't  care.  I... I want to tell you something  that has been heating   up inside of me. 

"What is it?" I got curious turning  around  to look straight  into his eyes  as his hands  ran slowly round my waist and  his face very close to mine.

"Angel I... I well I, darn! This so hard "

"You what Chris? Just tell me" he's  getting  me worried now.  "Is it a secret or what? "

"No no "

"Then what damn it"

"I I like  you  angel I like you,  i know it too soon and we've met not too long but it just what I feel".  I stared into his eyes is he lying  to me? Or did i not  hear him  clearly?. Oh God am I dreaming 

"Angel?,  angel say something please"

"You do?"

"Yes angel I do like you"

I didn't  know  what to say I just pulled his face on mine and kissed  him, he kissed me back making  me  feel so alive. Yes I like him  too God  I have never felt  this way  before not even for Steve.

he released  his lips and I did so too.  I hugged him 'cause I was too shy to look into  his eyes "I like you too" the words just came out  I said it closing  my eyes.  His hug tightened 

"You really  do" 


"What the heck is going  on here" I heard a voice. Thinking it was the hostel mistress we both turn loose immediately, I looked up and saw Amy,  she bursted into laughter  as we both stared at her

"I am sorry so sorry but  Chris I think  you should get going,  the hostel mistress will be here in no time"

"Oh I should get going"

"Yeah bye" 

"Bye" he said walking  out hurriedly "bye Amy"

"Bye" Amy said waving  back. We both walked  to our room and before she went  into  hers she said with a wide grin  "so you finally told him huh"

"Aw Amy go to bed"

"What are you girls doing up so late in the night"


"And what about this one it been giving me headache since yesterday" Emily said staring hard at the question. We were revising physics 'cause for some reason our teacher was no where to be found while Amy was at literature class.

"Let me explain"

"Hello girls" a thin guy, with a small face, tiny pink lips a little bit pointed nose, green eyes and a dirty brown straight hair, not too tall only 1 feat taller than I am  I guess, with a glasses came to join us.

"Justin please take those glasses off when you're not using them " Emily said with a frown on her face. Justin was one of our  class mate, he isn't a nerd but wears glasses  (which doesn't look too good on him) due to an eye problem.

"Oh I totally forgot" he took it off and put it inside his bag. Then turned his handsome face to us. Then I noticed how pale he looked.

"Are you okay Justin?" I asked

"Who me? Totally fine, I have just been looking for a novel I borrowed from the library..."

"Did you find it " Emily cut in with a worried look on her face. It not a good thing to lost library books.

"Yope,  I did, I forgot it in. The. Library" he let out a light chuckle and Emily and I did as well.

He took out the novel and stretch it out to me "you should try reading it. I told the librarian to give me a month"
"And he agreed?" I asked bewildered.

"I have my ways" 

I rolled my eyes and collected the  book "ziara by lyn loud(flody)" I read  it out loud. It had a wolf picture on it . "is it a wolf story"

"Yeah and it really interesting , you could even take it to the restroom to read"

"You did that?" Emily asked raising a eyebrow

"Hmm you can say soooh" he said turning around on his sit.

Then I saw Natasha  walk in gently into the classroom. Her hair was so rough and her eyes were dark all round showing she hasn't been sleeping to well. Her uniform was so wrinkled it shows no sigh of ironing. Is this Natasha patas I don't think so I must be looking at someone else

"Don't get too surprised honey it happens to her sometimes and deep down I don't know why I feel sorry for her. Sometimes I think the real Natasha is hidden from us" Emily said 

"Wasn't she suspended?" I asked whispering. 

"She was but I think her rich father must have done something"

"That not fare, I stayed home for three weeks , three boring weeks"

Emily shrugged

"Listen people" Natasha yelled and everyone turned their attention to her. She must have been shouting that no one had heard her 'cause she yelled so loud that the other classes would have heard her.

She cleared her throat "The principal wants you to  know that your new physics teacher will start lecturing from tomorrow" she spoke so weakly it was obvious she wasn't feeling too well. I noticed the tall girl again and asked Emily  about her.

"Her name is Samantha, she a veeeryy quiet girl I tell you verrrryy  quiet, people sometimes call her mute"

"So then why is she friends with Natasha?"

Emily shrugged "well maybe it 'cause they are of the same status"

We heard the alarm and Amy came in with haste

"Emily what today's date "

"Don't know, why ?"

"It April 12"  I answered.

"April 12?  holy shit! I totally forgot"

"Forgot what?" I asked

"It our six month dating anniversary" they said it at the same time.

Chris's POV

I , Derek and Len were coming out of the library when Derek said "guys I just don't know why I feel I am forgetting something and it since this morning"

"Yeah I feel the same way too" Len said scratching is head. Then Emily And Amy showed up with their hands on their hip, frowning " April 12"
Then after something that seem to be two minutes

"Holy shit!" Len said.

"Hell" Derek said. They both took to their heels 

"You two come back here" Amy and Emily said running after them

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