Chapter 7

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{Diannes POV}
It was nice to wake up with someone next to me. As soon as I was awake, I moved over closer to the middle, waking Joe up a little. In his sleepy state, he reached over and pulled me into his chest. I nuzzled into him, enjoying the feeling and dropped back to sleep again. Even though I was in a light sleep, I still heard Zoe knock on the door. Nether of us answered so she just opened the door slightly. I opened my eyes and looked over to her. I smiled at her as she mouthed the word 'sorry' before she backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. I snuggled back into Joes loving grip and dropped off again.
We both woke with a start.
'What's that noise?' groaned Joe, covering his head under the duvet. I did the same. The horrible screeching and wailing eventually died down, just as it stopped we could hear footsteps.
'Sorry about that' said Zoe, poking her head around the door, 'Alfie burnt the bacon we were going to have. I'm going to go to McDonald's and get food. What do you two want?'
'Do you want pancakes Di?' Joe whispered to me under the covers.
'Yes please'
'Can we both have pancakes?' He asked, sticking his head out.
'Yep, we will be back in about twenty ish minutes. You've got the house to yourself'. I heard the door shut and footsteps head back down the stairs.
'Joe, maybe we should get up and lay the table or whatever'
'But I want a cuddle' he said, stubbornly. I giggled at his pouting mouth before placing a kiss on his lips and cuddling into him. We stayed there for a few minutes.
'Come on sleepy head, they'll be back in a bit! If we lay it know, you can have another cuddle' I said, trying to get Joe to get out of bed. As soon as I finished speaking, he shot out of bed and ran downstairs. By the time I had pulled on a jumper and followed him, he had already set out plates, cutlery and cups on the table. I stood in the doorway watching him rush around with some sauces. Once he was happy, he walked back to me and picked me up. He walked with me in his arms in a bridal lift all the way upstairs and dropped me on the bed. I lay on my back giggling at him. He's so cute. Joe pulled the duvet out from underneath me and climbed under it, covering us both with it. He wrapped his arms around me again so I rolled on top of him. He smiled as I did so then proceeded to rub my back as I played with his hair. I rested my head against his chest, letting my arms fall beside his neck and shoulders. We lay there for about ten minutes until Zoe and Alfie got home. I rolled back off Joe but I went the wrong way; I fell off the bed.
'Owww' I cried, as I hit my back against the bed frame. Joe jumped out of bed and crouched down in front for me, where I was slumped against his bed.
'You okay?' He asked, stroking the one rogue piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear.
'Yep, I hit my back that's all'. I moved to get up but Joe stood up first so he put his hands out for me. He pulled me up off the floor, kissed my lips and turned around to get his hoodie. The one I was already wearing.
'Hey umm do you know where...?'
'Your hoodie is?' I cut him off, grinning.
'Yeh...ah' he said, turning back around to see me in the jumper he was looking for. He walked over to his wardrobe and pulled another one out before grabbing my hand and leaving the room. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen/dining room.
'What was the thud?' Alfie asked, as we both appeared in the doorway.
'Oh Dianne decided to fall off the bed' Joe said, letting go of my hand and looking in the fridge, 'do you want some apple juice or orange juice?'
'Orange please, can't be having anything apple before midday'
'You are so weird' said Joe, getting out two cartons of juice and pouring them into the glasses. I moved further into the kitchen and pulled out my chair as Joe walked past, 'That's why I love you' he whispered so quietly that I only just heard. My stomach fluttered and my heart beat quickened. He loved me?!?! Joe Sugg loved me?! I looked over at him, smiling shyly. I could feel myself blushing but who cares? Joe smiled gently before sitting down next to me and pulling the food out of the bags. We all sat around the table and ate our breakfast. We heard Tracey come in through the front door.
'Well this is nice' she said, coming into the kitchen and hanging her keys up.
'Mum, Your food is in the bag' said Zoe, covering her mouth as she was still eating. Tracey got hers out and put it in the microwave for a minute or so. She sat down opposite Joe and joined in on our conversation. When we had finished, Joe and I tidied away everything and walked back upstairs to his room again. I pulled his jumper off as I was going to get changed.
'Oh my god Di, your backs so red'
'Is it, oh well' I said, trying to look at it in the mirror. Joe took a picture and showed me.
'Where'd you get the bruises down your spine?' He asked.
'Oh that's just from doing abs and strengthening at dancing'
'Oh right aha'. We carried on getting changed. I made Joes bed whilst I was waiting for him to finish up but I got fed up so I sat on it. He came and sat down next to me. We cuddled up for a bit, watching some tv and then played some video games.

Time skip to 8pm

'Dianne, your mum is here' Tracey called up the stairs. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs, Joe right behind me. Tracey and my mum were talking in the door so we ducked into the living room.
'Thank you for this weekend, it's been amazing' I said, smiling widely and hugging Joe.
'You are welcome gorgeous'
'I love you' I whispered into his ear. He had a boyish smile on his face.
'I love you too'

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